Globally, 2023 was the warmest year in recorded history according to a new report released by the Australian Research Council. The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes is primarily funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC). It
brings together five Australian universities and a suite of outstanding national and international partner organisations. According to the report, Australia's weather is becoming more extreme, more often, and 2023 was no exception. The report, titled "The State of Weather and Climate Extremes 2023", found extreme weather events are happening more frequently and at an increased intensity, with many
all-time records broken in 2023 alone. The 2023 year began with Cyclone Ellie hitting Western Australia and finished with Cyclone Jasper hitting north Queensland. The 2024 year is off to a similar start with Cyclone Kirrily flooding north Queensland again. However, while 2023 may appear to have been an "extraordinary" year of wild weather, it could actually become closer to the new normal, according to ARC’s Professor Arblaster. Our 2024 FMA National Conference theme, “Floods in a Changing Climate” is very appropriate under the current climatic circumstances, and we have
received 135 abstracts from which to draw yet another outstanding conference program. Once again, the Conference will be the “one stop shop” for all things to do with floodplain management, and I can’t wait to hear all the presentations from the broad spectrum of practitioners in our amazing network of Members. ID
Ian Dinham | FMA President
The 2024 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference will be held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre from 21 – 24 May. The Conference has been held annually for over 60 years and is the most respected flood risk management event held in Australia, and it’s not just for technical people. Mayors and Councillors will particularly benefit from the case studies of recent flood events. This is a great opportunity to learn what happened, what worked, what didn’t work, and how to plan better for the next flood. The theme of the Conference is Floods in a Changing Climate, which will focus on keeping flood risk management a high priority when seasonal forecasts are for below average rainfall, and flooding patterns change as the climate warms. The Conference program involving 90 presentations in up to four specialised streams is being finalised, and will be available very soon. Details are at: floodplainconference.com
Severe weather and flooding associated with ex-Tropical Cyclone Kirrily kept many colleagues from the Queensland Chapter Quarterly Meeting in February, however those who were able to attend approved of the new afternoon format for our Meeting and Cyclone Season Workshop - particularly those on site who participated in the end of day
networking. Thank you to Federico Groppa and AECOM for again hosting us at their spacious board room. For Sydney FMA Meeting attendees it was a welcome return to meeting room of the Bureau of Meteorology, after four years. Thank you Ailsa Schofield for all your
organising. After a morning of informative updates we welcomed Emma Whale and Elizabeth Fryer from the NSW Reconstruction Authority for a comprehensive information session on the roles and activities of their organisation, the State Disaster Mitigation Plan and Disaster Adaptation
Plans. The Reconstruction Authority has wide ranging responsibilities, with four key disaster functions: - Mitigation and adaptation
- Local preparedness
- Community centred recovery
- Long term rebuilding and reconstruction.
We look forward to regular updates on progress of these activities at future Quarterly Meetings.
At the February FMA Quarterly Meetings Members were reminded of the consultation being undertaken on the draft revision of the Climate Change Considerations Chapter in Australian Rainfall and Runoff. Of particular interest to FMA Members is the recommendation to adjust 2016 IFDs to better represent current climate conditions – this recommendation implies that current climate risk may be significantly underestimated in the existing flood studies supporting FMA Members’ risk management decisions. FMA Queensland Director Will Prentice has reviewed the proposed update and advised that the proposed changes will result in increased PMP estimates and therefore PMF volumes and extents, which will have a significant impact on dam design and the full spectrum of floodplain management. FMA has provided feedback generally supporting the proposed update, with the suggestion that the guidance could be better aligned with Handbook 7, state Flood Risk Management guidance and strategic planning.
The Bureau of Meteorology has released its annual Climate Statement for 2023, summarising the year as “Warmer with contrasting rainfall between the north and south”. Australia's national mean temperature was 0.98 °C warmer than the 1961–1990 average. It was the country's equal eighth-warmest year since temperature records began and warmest since 2020. Nationally, the area-average annual rainfall total for
Australia was 473.70 mm, 1.6% above the 1961–1990 average of 466.0 mm. It was a year of contrasts however. Much of northern Australia experienced above average rainfall, while parts of eastern, southern and western parts of the country received below average
rainfall. The Statement says the main climate influences active during 2023 were La Niña, which weakened and dissipated through summer 2022–23, El Niño and a positive Indian Ocean Dipole which were established in early Spring. The presence of a positive Southern Annular Mode combined
with high temperatures in the Tasman Sea likely contributed to above average rainfall across eastern Australia in December. For the summary video and full analysis visit the Bureau's website: http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/current/annual/aus/2023/#:~:text=Australia's%20climate%20in%202023&text=Both%20the%20mean%20annual%20maximum,second%20half%20of%20the%20year.
FMA would like to welcome two new Associate Members to our network of flood risk professionals: Department of Water and
Environmental Regulation (Western Australia) The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) in Western Australia is a State Government agency responsible for providing floodplain mapping and floodplain management advice across Western Australia. DWER uses data from past flood events and catchment modelling to understand flood behaviour and prepare floodplain mapping for the state's major rivers. This is used to guide future development on floodplains. It also assists government, industry, insurers and the community to prepare for, and respond to a flood emergency. Learn more about DWER at dwer.wa.gov.au Environment Canterbury Regional Council (New Zealand) The Environment Canterbury Regional Council (ECRC) has a governing body of 16 councillors, and around 800 staff. ECRC
works closely with the nine district councils and one city council within its region to manage flood risk. Flooding is the most common natural hazard in the Canterbury region with river flooding, surface flooding, and coastal flooding all impacting the region. The Canterbury Regional
Policy Statement (CRPS) sets out a hierarchy for dealing with natural hazards, with the order of priority being avoidance, then mitigation, and then response and recovery. For more about ECRC, visit ecan.govt.nz If you would like to join FMA’s ever-growing Membership, visit floods.asn.au/membership for more information.
As we heard from NSW State Emergency Service’s Elle O’Shannessy at the Sydney FMA Quarterly Meeting, the Hazards Near Me NSW app has been given an update to include storm warnings. The app previously covered flood, tsunami and bushfire. The app provides near real-time updates with warning levels, locations of incidents, and affected areas. You can set up to 10 Watch Zones, and receive alerts when incidents are reported in those areas. Previous apps will need to be updated to receive the storm warnings. Details at: hazardsnear.me
The Planning Institute of Australia is offering an online course focussing on strategic risk-based land use planning for flood hazard. The training programme is designed for planners and other professionals involved in strategic planning, developing and/or implementing land use and development policy in planning instruments. It will be delivered from Queensland by Shannon Haines, from City of Moreton Bay, and Jacquie Hannan, from BMT Global. The course is provided in two half day workshops, on Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 March Details are at: planning.org.au/events/event/2024-planet-online-planning-for-flood-risk-management-two-half-day FMA’s Flood Risk Management Short Course is being updated and will be offered in the second half of 2024.
On Wed 6th March, join YFM QLD for its first event of the year; an interactive webinar on the topic of talking to people affected by flooding. Learn from speakers in the community and public health sectors who have intimate dealings with persons affected by flooding, and gain an opportunity to virtually network with your industry
peers. The webinar will occur on Wednesday 6th March at noon AEST. Please register via this LinkedIn event so we can have an appreciation of numbers; note that, unlike past events, we have not created this event on the Eventbrite platform. Remember to actively download a calendar reminder as this does not automatically happen with LinkedIn Events! https://www.linkedin.com/events/talkingtothefloodimpacted7165144996503834624/
FMA New South Wales/ACT Chapter Meeting Dates for 2024 Thursday 23 May - Annual General Meeting at Brisbane Thursday 15 August - NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting at Sydney Thursday 14 November - NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting at Sydney --- FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting Dates for 2024 Thursday 23 May - Annual General Meeting at Brisbane Wednesday 7 August - Queensland Chapter Meeting at
Brisbane Wednesday 6 November - Queensland Chapter Meeting at Brisbane
Fairfield City Council Catchment Planning Coordinator Professional Engineer - Catchment If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us, please contact us.
Please remember that while we circulate Vacant Positions in this
monthly Flyer, sometimes position closing deadlines don't align with the time of its distribution. Make sure you head to floods.asn.au/jobs to check for Vacant Positions that may not be listed here
due to shorter closing dates.
Have you got a photo of your FMA Conference Cap, Beanie or Bucket Hat?