Hello and welcome to the July 2024 FMA Monthly Flyer.
The timing of this month’s FMA Flyer is perfect for me to remind you of
the upcoming FMA Quarterly Meetings and associated Workshops:
Brisbane — Wednesday 7 August
Sydney — Thursday 15 August.
The FMA Quarterly Meeting is a great way to network with other flood risk management practitioners and find out what is happening in our industry. We all know that there are multiple agencies and jurisdictions managing different components across the flood risk management industry. Where else but
the FMA Quarterly Meeting can you hear from a range of government agencies about contemporary issues in flood risk management, flood forecasting and flood warning and emergency management, all in the same place at the same time?
Also at these FMA Quarterly Meetings we will be
showcasing the best presentations at our recent 2024 National Conference in Brisbane:
Sydney — 2024 Harold Sternbeck Medal: Willow Forsyth (Willow Forsyth Pty Ltd) — ‘Know your flood risk' simple advice for a profoundly misunderstood learning
Brisbane — 2024 YFM Outstanding Presenter Award: Alana Mosely (City of Moreton Bay Council) — The problem with Parks.
This quarter we are running similar 1.5 hour Workshops after the FMA Quarterly Meetings in Brisbane and Sydney, on the new Climate Change Considerations Chapter in Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR). We have organised a number of speakers who will be explaining the science and the details of the new changes, as well as providing some examples of how design rainfalls and flowrates could be impacted at
different locations across NSW and Queensland.
Both Workshops will include a Question and Answer session with our expert panel of speakers — feedback from our Members shows there is a keen interest in
understanding how the new changes will need to be incorporated into existing and future flood risk studies.
More information about locations, times and how to RSVP can be found later in this Flyer. Remember there is no cost to attend but we do ask you to RSVP for catering
purposes. We really encourage you to attend in person on the day, but spaces are limited so be sure to register at Eventbrite.
Don’t forget your early career professionals who would really benefit from attending.
Are you receiving this FMA Flyer direct to your Inbox each month? Signing up for the Flyer is really easy, it’s free and you don’t have to be an FMA Member to receive it. The link to sign up for the Flyer can be found on the FMA website under the ‘Resources’ tab: floods.asn.au/flyer.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Sydney / Brisbane FMA August
Quarterly Meetings.
Sue Ribbons
FMA President