FMA Monthly Flyer 2 February

Published: Sat, 02/28/15




FMA May QM and AGM Thursday, 21 May 2015 at the FMA National Conference, Brisbane.

Welcome to Our New Flyer Format!

You will notice a few changes happening at the FMA over the coming months, but first is this; the brand new and shiny FMA Monthly Flyer Format! 

We have been looking for a more interactive solution to keeping our Flyers thorough without clogging up your inbox data - especially for our Council Members who have limited download quota.

We hope that you find this new format as exciting as we do - we would love to hear your feedback, so contact us and let us know what you think.

Also, know of someone who could benefit from receiving our Flyer? Tell them to jump onto and subscribe now!
February - A Month of Extremes
February saw extreme weather battering the north of the country with Tropical Cyclones Marcia (Queensland) and Lam (Northern Territory) and in the aftermath of these destructive events, FMA Chairman Ian Dinham warned that it is crucial to focus on prevention and resilience, not simply on the repair of damages.

The work of emergency services personnel in response to the cyclones and subsequent flooding was outstanding, and must be applauded. However, some  Australian communities still remain unprepared or ill informed of the risks they face in times of natural disaster.

Get in touch with us now and let us know what flood risk reduction projects you are working on.
National Flood Mapping and Data Workshop
Pictured (counterclockwise from back): Paul Grech (FMA), Hamid Mirfenderesk (Gold Coast City Council), Elliot Simmons (NSW SES), Duncan McLuckie (OEH) and Mark Babister (WMAwater). 

FMA Chairman Ian Dinham and Land Use Planning Director Paul Grech attended the National Work Program for Flood Mapping (NWPFM) Flood Risk Data Workshop in Melbourne on 29 January to work through issues relating to flood data collection, gaps and needs.

The NWPFM has been initiated as a series of projects to deliver:
  • National guidance on flood risk mapping;
  • Clear understanding of the coverage and detail of existing flood maps;
  • Tools to improve the quality of flood maps in Australia.
The intended outcome was to provide input into the establishment of five to six 'value for money' projects that would improve flood data availability.

An existing portal to flood data (the Australian Flood Risk Information Portal) is provided by Geoscience Australia at

Flood Insurance Working Group

The second meeting of the Flood Insurance Working Group was held on 25 February. The group was established in response to FMA Members’ concerns about flood insurance and data issues, and consists of representatives from major insurers, the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), the Australian Local Government Association, Local Government NSW, government agencies from NSW and Queensland, and FMA Members from NSW and Queensland.

The Group’s role is to better understand the objectives of all stakeholders, examine frameworks around the custodianship, collection, maintenance and distribution of flood data and explore ways of dealing with current 'roadblocks' such as licencing and resourcing. The Group is producing a series of flood insurance fact sheets for use by Councils, starting with Sharing Flood Risk Information, Insurer Flood Data Requirements and Flood Insurance Pricing.

The fact sheet Flood, Insurance and your Property produced last year by the FMA and the ICA is available for Members at the FMA website Members’ Section.

​Have you registered for our Members' Section yet? It's so easy - just head to and you'll get access to FMA Meeting documents, workshops, surveys and fact sheets. 
Second Meeting of Queensland FMA Chapter
Despite the approach of Tropical Cyclone Marcia, more than 30 flood professionals attended the second meeting of the FMA's Queensland Chapter in Brisbane on 18 February. Many Council and agency representatives had to abandon plans to attend the Meeting as their organisations set up disaster management centres in preparation for the predicted arrival of the cyclone and associated flooding two days later. 

Never-the-less, the Meeting was very productive, a highlight being the snapshot of Queensland Government activity in the flood area from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, the Public Safety Business Agency, the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and the Office of the Inspector General Emergency Management. 

The afternoon workshop delved into the management of flood data in Queensland, and included an initial assessment of arrangements using National Handbook 7 criteria.
February Quarterly Meeting in Sydney                                
The 26 February FMA Quarterly Meeting in Sydney was back at its old home, the Bureau of Meteorology, and attended by 45 people from 37 organisations. Included in the program was a double workshop, covering the new pro-forma aids being developed to assist Councils in preparing technical specifications for flood studies and plans, and an in-depth discussion of the FMA's draft Land Use Planning Policy Statement and land use planning arrangements needed to ensure future development in flood prone areas will be appropriate to the risk. The aim of the Policy Statement is to provide a concise FMA endorsed position that can be used in advocating best practice when dealing with flood risk management issues.

Toowoomba Regional Council Flood Study

Pictured (from left): Ian Ryan (TRC), Dy Currie (TRC), Kate Isles (TRC), Danny Rose (FMA)  and Ian Dinham (FMA).

Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) launched its 'Safer, Stronger and More Resilient Region' project on 25 February.  

TRC has completed an amazing 42 flood studies over 35 different locations since 2012, and this project enables Council to accurately plan for such strategies as mitigation works, evacuation plans and future land use. The project is also integral to the advancement of TRC's draft planning scheme.

FMA Chairman Ian Dinham and Technical Director Danny Rose attended the briefing session and filming prior to the launch of the project and congratulated TRC for their significant investment in protecting their communities from existing and future flood risks. 

For more information on this incredible achievement by Toowoomba Regional Council, visit
FMA National Conference 12 Weeks Away 
The Second National FMA Conference being held in Brisbane this year is fast approaching!

The Conference Program is now available at and includes over 75 presentations offered in four simultaneous streams, exceptional keynote speakers and a choice of four technical tours. Oh, and don't forget the networking opportunities at the Conference social events!

Discounted Early Registration rates close on 27 March, so make the most of them and register online now at
1955 Maitland Flood Commemoration
Pictured (from left): Ingrid Berthold (Hunter Local Land Services), Peter Bogan (Maitland Flood Historian), Amanda Hyde (Hunter Region SES) and Glenn Evans (FMA).  

This month saw the 60th Anniversary of the 1955 Maitland flood in New South Wales, marked by informative talks, tours and a commemorative exhibition, which was attended by FMA Executive Officer Glenn Evans.
The event, with activities spanning most of the month, was organised by FMA Member Hunter Local Land Services (HLLS) and the New South Wales State Emergency Service, and was very well received by the community.
The 1955 flood caused massive damage to homes, businesses and farms, and the loss of 14 lives, but also resulted in the establishment of the SES and the first coordinated efforts to reduce future flood risks in New South Wales.

​The Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation Scheme, managed by HLLS and the OEH, now comprises of over 170 kilometres of levees and flood control structures designed to reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of another 1955 type disaster occurring. The annual commemorative events are developed to help the community prepare to manage the residual risks.
ARR - Correct AEP and ARI Terminology
Australian Rainfall and Runoff has released a discussion paper on the preferred terminology for AEP and ARI. The preferred new terminology is AEP and EY - Annual Exceedances Probability and Exceedances per Year, respectively. 

Australia-Netherlands Water Challenge 2015
The third edition of the Australia-Netherlands Water Challenge is inviting students and young professionals to submit their ideas on how to make Australia more climate resilient.

The Australia-Netherlands Water Challenge is closely connected with the knowledge exchange partnership on floods and droughts between Australia and the Netherlands. Supported by a group of more than 15 government organisations, universities and private companies from both countries, the Australia-Netherlands Water Challenge aims to engage young talent with this partnership and inspire them to contribute their own ideas.

Finalists will present their projects at the FMA National Conference in Brisbane, with the winner to be announced at the Conference Awards night. 

The submission deadline is 22 April 2015.

HWRS 2015 Abstract Submission
The 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium will be held in Hobart on 7-10 December this year.
HWRS is calling for the submission of abstracts for consideration as an oral or poster presentation in the symposium program by 9 March 2015.

For more information visit

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

No Current Vacancies

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Sendai, Japan,

14-18 March 2015

Water Innovation Forum 2015, Sydney,

18-19 March 2015

Australia and NZ Disaster and Emergency Management Conference, Gold Coast,

4-5 May 2015

Ozwater’15, Adelaide,

12-14 May 2015

2nd National FMA Conference, Brisbane,

19-22 May 2015

ASFPM 2015 Conference, Atlanta, United States,

31 May - 5 June 2015

 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!