FMA Monthly Flyer 6 June

Published: Tue, 06/30/15

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JUNE 2015 


FMA August Quarterly Meeting Thursday, 20 August 2015 in Sydney.

Further details will be provided at a closer date.

FMA OEH Floodplain Risk Management Short Course

The FMA-OEH Floodplain Risk Management Short Course will be offered again this year in three blocks in July, September and October. The Course is conducted by University of Technology, Sydney in conjunction with the Floodplain Management Association (FMA) and the NSW Government.

  • Block 1 Managing Flood Risk 30-31 July 2015
  • Block 2 Managing Existing Risk 10-11 September 2015
  • Block 3 Managing Future Risk 8-9 October 2015

Floodplain Risk Management is aimed at engineers, emergency managers and land use planners who are engaged in, or seeking to enter, the floodplain risk management industry in Australia and wanting to learn more about developing and implementing management plans considering best practice.

It is also suitable for local government Councillors and community representatives on floodplain risk management committees seeking a background in floodplain risk management, flood mitigation, emergency management and land use planning issues.

Taught by industry professionals, including flood risk and emergency response management and land use planning experts, the course uses lectures, interactive tutorials and documents such as the Australian Emergency Management Handbook 7 Managing the Floodplain: Best Practice in Flood Risk Management in Australia to show how the development and implementation of plans to manage flood risk can reduce the impacts of flooding on the community and the built environment.

Australia Netherlands Community of Practice Meeting
Pictured: Australia Netherlands Community of Practice Meeting in Sydney on 22nd June 2015. 

Following a meeting of the Queensland Netherlands Community of Practice (CoP) in Brisbane on 19 June 2015, FMA President Ian Dinham attended a further meeting in Sydney on 22 June 2015 to discuss the potential for establishing a similar CoP in New South Wales.

The CoP is coordinated by Mr Piet Filet, Research Development Officer, Queensland University of Technology. Mr Filet facilitated the discussion amongst a large gathering of representatives from various agencies, including the FMA, the OEH, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Insurance Australia Group, Sydney Water, Royal HaskoningDHV, e-Water Limited, the Australian Water Association and the NSW SES. Representatives from Sustainability, Climate Change & Societal Transformation and the University of New South Wales were also present.

The meeting was particularly important due to the visit by Mr Simon Smits, Dutch Vice-Minister for Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms Annemieke Ruigrok, Ambassador, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Canberra and Mr Willem Cosijn, Dutch Consul General.

FMA President Ian Dinham said "Australia and the Netherlands share many challenges in floodplain management and exchanging views on these will be of benefit to both countries.

"The involvement of our Dutch colleagues in the recent National FMA Conference in Brisbane was a real enrichment to the Conference program and floodplain management can only benefit from such collaboration with our international colleagues from the Netherlands, USA and UK”.
2015 Harold Sternbeck Medal Winners
Pictured (from left): David Webber (NSW SES), The Hon. David Elliot MP and Elspeth Rae (NSW SES). 

The 2015 Harold Sternbeck Medal winners David Webber and Elspeth Rae were presented with their Certificates by the NSW Minister for Emergency Services The Hon. David Elliot MP on the 12 June.

David and Elspeth were judged as the winners of the Harold Sternbeck Medal for the presentation of their paper Reliance Towards Resilience – Involving Community in the Planning Process at the 2015 FMA National Conference in Brisbane.

Harold Sternbeck was active in the FMA from 1972, Chairman from 1991 to 1999 and Deputy Chairman in 2003 to 2004. In recognition of his extensive service to the FMA and his prowess as a persuasive public speaker the FMA established the Harold Sternbeck Medal in the year 2000. The Medal is awarded to an outstanding presenter at the Annual Conference.

You can read their paper online at

2015 Conference Papers and Presentations

The majority of 2015 Conference Papers and Presentations are now available online at

Conference Papers
  • Babister, Mark – A New Way Of Examining Emergency Response Time And The Benefits Gained From Management Measures
  • Baker, Robert – Taking A Difficult Message To The Community (Peer Review)
  • Ball, James – Implications Of The New ARR For Floodplain Management
  • Barton, Cathie – Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study: Comprehensive Hydraulic Assessment Overview
  • Bates, Bryson – Revision Of Australian Rainfall And Runoff – The Interim Climate Change Guideline
  • Bloss, Chrissie – Building Community Awareness Of Flood Risk In South Australia
  • Brenners, Viktor – The Development Of Coastal Flooding Policy In Victoria
  • Brewster, Roger – Brisbane River Catchment Floodplain Studies: Cooperative Planning For Better Flood Resilience
  • Carroll, Frankie – Building It Back Better To Reduce Risks After Multiple Disaster Events
  • Charalambous, James – Disaster Management Tool – Brisbane River 2D GPU Model
  • Danielsson, Danielle –  Queensland’s State-Of-The-Art Flood Early Warning System Pioneered At Oakey Township
  • Diermanse, Ferdinand – Flood Resilience: European Experience
  • Druery, Cameron– Flood Forecasting – What Can You Do With Your Data?
  • Dufty, Neil – Why Getting People To Write An Emergency Plan May Not Be The Best Approach
  • Frazer, Ainslie – Local Overland Flooding – The NSW Experience
  • Ghetti, Isabelle – Sea-Ing Change – Land Use And Emergency Planning For Existing And Future Flood Risk Due To Sea Level Rise
  • Gray, Leonie – Flood Detention Basins – Protection Or Risk? The Dilemma Faced By NSW Councils
  • Honor, Dwayne – Floodplain Risk Management In Practice: The Burnett River Experience
  • Johnson, Peter – Comparison Of Direct Rainfall And Lumped-Conceptual Rainfall Runoff Routing Methods In Tropical North Queensland: A Case Study Of Low Drain, Mount Low, Townsville
  • Kefalianos, Terry – Managing Flood Risk In Urban Renewal Areas – A Case Study Of Constraints And Opportunities In Green Square
  • Kirby, David – Flood Integrated Decision Support System For Melbourne
  • Mackay, Craig – Large Scale Flexible Mesh 2d Modelling Of The Lower Namoi Valley
  • Maqsood, Tariq – A Schema To Categorise Residential Buildings In Australian Floodplains
  • McAndrew, Kieran – Knowing When To Get Them Out – Improving Flood Evacuation Planning Through Flood Modelling And Stakeholder Involvement
  • McGlinn, Robert – Floodwise: A Flash Flooding Emergency Management Tool
  • McLuckie, Duncan – Improving National Best Practice In Flood Risk Management
  • Mirfenderesk, Hamid – An Enhanced Flood Forecasting And Decision Support System For The Gold Coast
  • Molino, Steven – Rethinking Flooding As A Town Planning Opportunity Not A Constraint
  • Morgan, Marcus – The Consent Authority And The Combat Agency Relationship Revisited: Has Anything Changed?
  • Pikusa, Ed – The National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines: The Bumpy Road To National Consistency
  • Poole, Narelle – Landswap – Local Government And Community Working Together For Sustainable Community Outcomes
  • Ribbons, Sue – Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Flood Management Review: Developing A Strategy Where Flood Depth Can Be Nine Metres Above Flood Planning Level
  • Rogencamp, Greg – Flood Risk Management Prioritisation Frameworks
  • Rodgers, Simon – 40 Years Of Floodplain Management In Perth : A Report Card
  • Rose, Martin – Coffs Harbour Flood Warning System
  • Ryan, Chris – Conceptual And Technical Challenges In Defining Flood Planning Areas In Urban Catchments
  • Ryan, Phil – Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study: 1d Models Are Back! – Monte Carlo Hydraulic Model Analysis
  • Salter, Leanne – Tardis – Making Rainfall And Water Level Data Accessible And Useful
  • Smith, Grantley – Delineating Hazardous Flood Conditions To People And Property
  • Smythe, Crispin – Flood Forecast Mapping Sans Modelling
  • Strelow, Margaret – It Is Hard To Love A Levee
  • Schwecke, Melanie – Risk To Life Policy – Shelter Or Flee? A Case Study In Pittwater Council
  • Trebilcock, David – Integrating Flood Modelling And Emergency Risk Assessment: Do We Have The Data We Need?
  • Webber, David – Reliance Towards Resilience: A Paradigm Shift To Involve Community In The Planning Process
  • Whitehead, Rik – Flood Ready Agriculture – Building On Resilience
  • Yeo, Stephen – Effects Of Disclosure Of Flood-Liability On Residential Property Values: An Update

Keynote Presentations
State and Territory Presentations

We are still waiting on permission from a small number of presenters and will upload documents once we have received them.

New FMA Corporate Member Risk Frontiers

Risk Frontiers specialises in the assessment and management of risk. With over 20 years experience Risk Frontiers is the largest centre of its type in Australia, and is globally recognised for its expertise. With a focus on the Asia-Pacific region Risk Frontiers operates from offices in Sydney and Melbourne.

Risk Frontiers maintains a series of natural hazard risk models across a range hazards including fire, flood and earthquake, and a database of historical Australian disasters and their associated impacts.

Risk Frontiers is based at Macquarie University, where it enjoys close collaborative links with key academics across a range of disciplines.

If you want to learn more about Risk Frontiers visit
2015 Resilient Australia Awards Now Open
The Resilient Australia Awards is a national program to recognise and promote initiatives which strengthen community disaster resilience across the nation.

The Resilient Australia Awards program consists of two award levels – state and national. The State and Territory award categories for this year are:

  • Resilient Australia Community Award
  • Resilient Australia Business Award
  • Resilient Australia Government Award
  • Resilient Australia School Award
  • Resilient Australia Photography Award

Nominations close 9 August 2015.

For more information or to apply online visit

FMA Membership Fees

FMA Membership Fees for 2015-2016 will be invoiced in July. Membership fees are the FMA's main source of operating income so prompt payment will be greatly appreciated.

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

No Current Vacancies

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


The FMA is occasionally contacted by young professional in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.


• 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania, 

7-10 December 2015

ICFRIR 2016: 18th International Conference on Flood Recovery, Innovation and Response,  Istanbul, Turkey, 25-26 January 2016

FLOODRisk 2016, Lyon, France, 

17 - 21 October 2016


Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? 
Al Goodman of the United States' Association of State Floodplain Managers  (ASFPM) donning his FMA Cap. FMA Members may remember Al as the Keynote speaker from our Wollongong Conference in 2008.

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!