FMA Monthly Flyer 7 July

Published: Tue, 07/28/15

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JULY 2015 


FMA August Quarterly Meeting will be held on Thursday, 20 August 2015 

at the Bureau of Meteorology, Sydney (300 Elizabeth Street, Sydney) at 10.30am.

FMA OEH Floodplain Risk Management Short Course

The FMA-OEH Floodplain Risk Management Short Course July block will be starting in the next few days and its not too late to sign up.

The Course is conducted by University of Technology, Sydney in conjunction with the Floodplain Management Association (FMA) and the NSW Government.

2015 dates and details:
  • Block 1 Managing Flood Risk 30-31 July 2015
  • Block 2 Managing Existing Risk 10-11 September 2015
  • Block 3 Managing Future Risk 8-9 October 2015
Floodplain Risk Management is aimed at engineers, emergency managers and land use planners who are engaged in, or seeking to enter, the floodplain risk management industry in Australia and wanting to learn more about developing and implementing management plans considering best practice.

It is also suitable for local government Councillors and community representatives on floodplain risk management committees seeking a background in floodplain risk management, flood mitigation, emergency management and land use planning issues.

Taught by industry professionals, including flood risk and emergency response management and land use planning experts, the course uses lectures, interactive tutorials and documents such as the Australian Emergency Management Handbook 7 Managing the Floodplain: Best Practice in Flood Risk Management in Australia to show how the development and implementation of plans to manage flood risk can reduce the impacts of flooding on the community and the built environment.

The cost of each block of the course is $550 (including GST).

You can view all the information on the Course at
FMA Meeting with Emergency Services Minister
Pictured (from left): Cr Alan Haselden (The Hills Shire Council), The Hon. David Elliot (NSW Min. for Emergency Services), Ian Dinham (FMA President) and Glenn Evans (FMA Executive Officer).

FMA President Ian Dinham, The Hills Councillor Alan Haselden and FMA Executive Officer Glenn Evans met with NSW Minister for Emergency Services the Hon David Elliott on 7 July.

The meeting discussed the range flood risks in NSW, the emerging challenges of flooding from overland flow and development in areas of significant flood risk, particularly the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment.

Mr Dinham said the meeting was very positive, and provided the opportunity to acquaint the Minister with the role of the FMA and issues of concern to Members.

“The FMA enjoys a very positive relationship with the State Emergency Service, and applauds its initiatives to improve the flood resilience of our communities.” Mr Dinham said.

“We confirmed the FMA’s wish to work cooperatively with the Minister’s office and his State Emergency Service to further improve the management of the state’s flood risks.”
FMA Submission to NSW SEPP Review

The FMA has provided a submission to the NSW Department of Planning’s Review of State Environmental Planning Policies.

The FMA supports the intent of the SEPP Review, however, concern was expressed that there is at present no NSW SEPP which addresses natural hazards, in particular floodplain risk management.

You can read the submission online here.

Motorist Death Toll From Floods - Risk Frontiers

FMA Corporate Member Risk Frontiers has put together a document regarding motorist deaths relating to floods in Australia.

Over the last 20 years, 70 people have died driving through floodwaters in this country, according to the Risk Frontiers’ PerilAUS database, accounting for close to 40% of all flood fatalities in this period.

This document discusses management strategies such as Education and Awareness, Regulation and Incentive, Structural Intervention and Consequence Management.

Download the document here.
Applications for the FMA Scholarship Close 13 August

The FMA Scholarship is an excellent initiative that provides flood risk management professionals within the FMA* with the opportunity to broaden their FRM knowledge.

The FMA Scholarship can be used to undertake short courses, research, or educational visits interstate or overseas, and provides support of up to 50% of costs or $2,500, whichever is the lesser. 

There is no specific application form; you can decide how you'd like to apply (Word Document, Email, PDF, PowerPoint etc.). However, applications must address the requirements of the Scholarship Policy which is available online at

Send your application through Dominique Jovanović at or Glenn Evans at


For more details and Ts + Cs, visit

We look forward to your applications.

*To be eligible for the FMA Scholarship, applicants must belong to an FMA Full, Associate or Corporate Member organisation. 

FMA Membership Fees

FMA Membership Fees for 2015-2016 will be invoiced in July. Membership fees are the FMA's main source of operating income so prompt payment will be greatly appreciated.

If your organisation requires a purchase order to be shown on your invoice, please contact

August FMA Quarterly Meeting Attendance

As you may know, the upcoming FMA Quarterly Meeting will be held on Thursday 20 August at the Bureau of Meteorology in Sydney.

The meeting will run from 10.30am to 1.00pm, with the afternoon workshop commencing at 1.30pm and concluding at 3.00pm.

The meeting will include awarding the prestigious Harold Sternbeck Medal to David Webber and Elspeth Rae from NSW SES for the best presentation at the 2015 FMA National Conference. Mr Webber and Ms Rae will provide an overview of their award winning presentation Reliance Towards Resilience - Involving Community in the Planning Process.

The Workshop topic for the day will be 'The April 2015 Dungog Flood'. Presenters will include FMA Member Stephen Yeo who visited the town and spoke with residents a week after the flood which is considered to have been much greater than a 1% AEP event.

All Items of Business, Notices of Motion, and Reports from Agencies and Committees must be received by the Executive Officer Glenn Evans by close of business 30 July.

To assist with meeting arrangements, please advise your proposed attendance and apologies to Dominique Jovanović at or Glenn Evans at

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

No Current Vacancies

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


The FMA is occasionally contacted by young professional in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.


ŸAFAC 2015, Adelaide, South Australia, 1-3 September 2015

Flood Control Asia 2015, Mumbai, India, 10-11 September 2015

​International River Symposium, Brisbane, Queensland, 21-24 September 2015

TIEMS 2015 Annual Conference, Rome, Italy, 30 September - 2 October 2015

The Flood Expo 2015, London, England, 14-15 October 2015

​9th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, 19-23 October 2015

36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania, 7-10 December 2015

56th Annual FMA Conference, Nowra, New South Wales, 17-20 May 2016

FLOODRisk 2016, Lyon, France, 17-21 October 2016

Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? 
Pictured clockwise from top left:

Nat Curtin (Brisbane Keynote Speaker John Curtin's son) in the UK, Allan Gear (The Hills Shire Council) at the Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells in England, Greg Britton, Allan Gear, Richard Dewar (WMAWater) and Gordon Sutcliffe at Downfield Golf Club in Dundee, Scotland and  Allan Gear at the Lago di Fiastra in Italy.

​It would appear that Mr Gear is our best international ambassador yet!

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!