FMA Monthly Flyer 8 August

Published: Mon, 08/31/15

We've Gone National!
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AUGUST 2015 


FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting on Wednesday, 18 November 2015 in Brisbane.

FMA November Quarterly Meeting on Thursday, 26 November 2015 in Sydney.

FMA Goes National

That’s right, it’s finally happened! The Floodplain Management Association has officially changed its name to Floodplain Management Australia (FMA).

Floodplain Management Australia has been representing Members’ interests and promoting public awareness of flood issues since 1961 and a lot has changed since then, making a national shift necessary.

Speaking at its Quarterly Meeting in Sydney on 20 August, FMA President Ian Dinham said, “While we may have begun as a smaller New South Wales based organisation, we have grown exponentially, now with Members reaching all across Australia”.

“The national growth that we have experienced since our first National Conference in Tweed Shire two years ago has been staggering, with our Membership now consisting of professionals in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and South Australia” said Mr Dinham. “This new denomination allows us to be better identified as a national voice for flood risk issues in this country”.

We are stronger as a national network – you can share knowledge and expertise with FMA colleagues across Australia, who can then apply that knowledge to their own local flood risk management issues.

FMA Members can expect their new Floodplain Management Australia Member logo to hit their inboxes soon.
FMA Quarterly Meeting Roundup

Around 50 Members and visitors attended the Quarterly Meeting and Workshop at the Bureau of Meteorology office in Sydney on 20 August. Attendees included Rolf Karst from the Netherlands Consulate General’s Office, NSW SES Assistant Commissioner Mark Morrow and Tasmania SES Northern Regional Manager Mhairi Revie.

Queensland FMA Director Con de Groot provided a snapshot of the Brisbane River Flood Studies, and advised of the Queensland Government’s concerns about possible reductions in Commonwealth funding.

A highlight of the meeting was an interactive presentation by David Webber and Elspeth Rae of NSW SES Reliance Towards Resilience which explored empowering individuals and communities to exercise choice and take responsibility.

David and Elspeth were joint winners of the prestigious Harold Sternbeck Medal for the outstanding presentation at the FMA National Conference. FMA President Ian Dinham presented David and Elspeth with their medals at the meeting.

Other winners on the day were Mir Abdus Subhan from Shoalhaven City Council, Bishoy Luke from Kogarah City Council and Leon McLean from Tweed Shire Council who were each awarded an FMA Scholarship to participate in short courses to assist their flood risk management responsibilities.

Workshop Discusses the Dungog Flood

Pictured:  BMT WBM's Darren Lyons shows the extent of flooding at the Sydney workshop.

The 21 April flash flooding at Dungog in the NSW Hunter Valley was the topic for discussion at the August FMA Workshop. The flood caused widespread destruction, hardship, and tragically, the loss of three lives. The flood was significantly greater than a 1% AEP event, with catchment rain in the order of twice the 1% rainfall event.

Independent flood consultant Dr Stephen Yeo, SES Emergency Risk Manager Elliott Simmons, Office of Environment and Heritage Floodplain Team Leader Peter Evans, BMT WBM Water and Environment Manager Darren Lyons and Hunter Local Land Services Flood Recovery Officer Skye Moore provided a comprehensive overview of the causes and consequences of the disaster.

Key messages from the workshop are:
  • Flood studies need to consider catchments, not just the main river system.
  • Flood studies need to consider events above the 1% AEP, and possible development of new flow paths in these larger events.
  • Any new development must not have residual risk which can only be dealt with by emergency response.
The workshop will be made available in the Members' Section of shortly. 

The ICA Requests Details of Council Flood Infrastructure

FMA’s Flood Insurance Working Group meeting on 19 August heard that insurers are often unaware of recently built or modified flood levees and detention basins which could reduce flood insurance costs. Insurance premiums are based on a number of factors including flood risk, and work undertaken by Councils to reduce the frequency or severity of flooding can result in premiums for householders being substantially reduced.

Councils which have recently built or upgraded flood infrastructure are requested to provide the information to the Insurance Council of Australia for use by the insurance industry.

The Group has already produced three Fact Sheets, Sharing Flood Risk Information, Flood Insurance Pricing and Insurer Flood Data Requirements which are available at the FMA website. The meeting agreed to develop further resources providing case studies on the benefits of Councils sharing flood data with insurers, and advice on flood resistant building materials.

The Working Group was established to resolve issues related to flood insurance and the sharing of flood data between Councils and the insurance industry. Members include representatives of the major insurers, the Insurance Council of Australia, the Australian Local Government Association, Local Government NSW and a cross section of FMA Members.
FMA is Now on LinkedIn

Floodplain Management Australia has joined LinkedIn and would love for you to connect with us.

In keeping with our national direction, we want to connect with as many of you as possible from all over Australia, and find out what interesting projects you're involved in. 

FMA Submission to Revised Draft Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy

The Victorian Government has prepared a Revised Draft Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy and invited FMA to provide comment.

FMA commends the Victorian Government’s preparation of this document, which provides a comprehensive platform for improved flood risk management.

FMA’s submission, however, suggests that more consideration could be given to floods of greater than one percent annual exceedance probability (AEP).

You can read the submission at

Conference Call for Abstracts is Now Open!

The theme for the 2016 Conference is Rock 'n' Role - Innovation and Role in Flood Risk Management, which will focus on best practice and innovation and the different stakeholder 'roles' in floodplain management.

The Steering Committee is looking for a range of high quality papers from across Australia in the following presentation streams:
  • Community engagement, consultation and action
  • Flood recovery - rebuilding, insurance, economic and community issues
  • Disaster planning and emergency response
  • Flood forecasting and warning
  • Land use planning and legislative issues
  • Identifying flood risk, modelling and tools
  • Environment, climate change, sea level rise
  • Structural mitigation works and asset management
  • Flood resilient urban design and building design
  • State and National solutions and coordination
The conference attendees will include people with technical and non-technical backgrounds, and the Committee is seeking a range of presentations types to suit this varied audience. Tertiary students studying floodplain management or natural disaster management are particularly encouraged to participate.

To download the Call for Abstracts, or for further info, visit

Call For Abstract Submissions Close Friday 30th October 2015.

Tell Us About Your Upcoming Media Releases

Communications Director Mariana Cidade has requested that when preparing media releases concerning upcoming flood activities FMA Members consider contacting Project Services Officer Dominique Jovanović at a week before the intended release about the possibility of FMA contributing to the article.

FMA may be able to add value to your release, and help generate wider circulation for the article and at the same time promote the role of Floodplain Management Australia.

Media Release: Australia Needs to be Better Prepared for Floods

The severe weather conditions in the Kiama area this month is another reminder that dangerous flooding occurs in many different ways and at any time.

Floodplain Management Australia President Ian Dinham said “Apart from the risk to life, flooding causes enormous damage to properties and Australia faces the prospect of increasing costs into the future if mitigation measures are not addressed.”

“Floodplain Management Australia is the nation’s peak floodplain management body and its practitioners constantly warn of the dangers of flooding and the need for investment in flood infrastructure, wise land use planning and public education”, said Mr Dinham.

“The threat of flooding will not dissipate in the near future – studies have shown that the likelihood of flood will increase with the rising of global temperatures and climate change. It is imperative to the safety of Australian communities that the public understands the risks, and how to keep themselves safe.”

“Insurance premiums for property owners are also of concern as we face more of these extreme weather events unless more research is done and mitigation investments are made.”

“The New South Wales State Emergency Service and local councils do an incredible job in these dangerous circumstances, and it is imperative to heed their warnings – do not drive into floodwater and be prepared.”
Tweed Shire Council Shares Flooding and Recovery Expertise

Pictured:  The Indonesian delegation, pictured with Tweed Shire Council General Manager, Troy Green (second from left), Director Engineering, David Oxenham (fourth from left) and Manager Roads and Stormwater, Danny Rose (back, third from right).

A group of Indonesian professionals visited the Tweed Shire this month to learn more about how it prepares for major floods, responds to and recovers from these events.

Flooding accounts for 40 per cent of disasters in the 17,504-island archipelago, often killing many, displacing thousands and costing millions of dollars. The delegation of 18 water specialists is visiting the Tweed to gain expertise in floodplain management, disaster recovery and building resilience in rural settings.

The Indonesians are members of BAPPENAS, the peak agency responsible for governance and economic development across the country. Part of their role is to be better prepared for extreme flood events using a flood risk management approach, taking into consideration infrastructure and land-use planning. The delegation is being hosted on its four-week visit to Australia by the International Water Centre in Brisbane.

While in the Tweed, the group will be hosted by Council's Manager Roads and Stormwater Danny Rose. Mr Rose is also the Technical Director of Floodplain Management Australia, the peak body for the Australian flood risk management industry, of which Tweed Shire Council is a member.

The visit is part of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's Australian Awards Fellowship Program, designed to introduce the delegates to leading Australian researchers and industry professionals and provide valuable insights into technical, operational, governance, collaboration and leadership aspects of implementing flood risk management practices.

For more info on Tweed Shire Council, visit

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

No Current Vacancies

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


The FMA is occasionally contacted by young professional in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.

AFAC 2015, Adelaide, South Australia, 1-3 September 2015

Flood Control Asia 2015, Mumbai, India, 10-11 September 2015

International River Symposium, Brisbane, Queensland, 21-24 September 2015 

TIEMS 2015 Annual Conference, Rome, Italy, 30 September - 2 October 2015

The Flood Expo 2015, London, England, 14-15 October 2015

​9th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, 19-23 October 2015

36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania, 7-10 December 2015

56th Annual FMA Conference, Nowra, New South Wales, 17-20 May 2016

FLOODRisk 2016, Lyon, France, 17-21 October 2016
Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? 
FMA cap at the Ashes, Edgbaston, United Kingdom this month courtesy of John Curtin. 

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!