FMA Monthly Flyer 1 January

Published: Sat, 01/30/16

A brand new year...
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FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting on Wednesday, 17 February 2016 in Brisbane.

FMA February Quarterly Meeting on Thursday, 25 February 2016 in Sydney.

Toowoomba Regional Council Flood Studies Update
As FMA Members will remember, in early 2015 Toowoomba Regional Council completed 42 flood studies covering 35 locations in a project titled the ‘Safer, Stronger and More Resilient Region’ . These studies included investigating flooding of creeks, rivers and overland flow path, and enabled Council to accurately plan for such strategies as mitigation works, evacuation plans, and future land use.

As part of the project, Council also undertook a region-wide engagement program, which was held in 12 locations across the region. During this consultation process, over 2,000 community members were involved, and over 200,000 people were reached through the media. With the information provided by the community, 39 flood studies were verified during this process, and three flood studies and maps were updated. This information has informed the risk assessment for each community and the subsequent investigation of policy options and future Planning Scheme amendments. The next stage of community consultations will take place in mid 2016.

For more information on the project, visit
Have You Registered?

Now the New Year is finally here, the 2016 FMA Conference in Nowra is creeping closer. Make sure you register now at to ensure you make the most of the Early Registration discounts.

Also, remember, FMA Members get a discounted rate, so keep your Membership number close when filling out your forms.

If you have any enquiries regarding your Membership number, get in touch with Dominique at

Gold Coast City Council Accolade

FMA Member Gold Coast City Council (GCCC) has taken out the 2015 Banksia National Sustainability Award in the Smart Technology category for its ‘New Generation Flood Emergency Decision Support System’.

FMA Conference delegates will recognise this System from our National Conference in Brisbane last year, where it was presented by Dr. Hamid Mirfenderesk of GCCC.

Dr. Mirfenderesk said “this is the first time that [GCCC] have convinced people who advocate for sustainability at the national and international levels that flood risk management is as much a sustainability matter as renewable energy, recycling, etc.”

The System is an advanced decision support tool, which uses automated real time two-dimensional flood modelling for timely and accurate flood surface forecasting.  Members may also remember that GCCC has put the $2,000 prize winnings from their 2015 FMA NRMA Insurance Flood Risk Management Project of the Year Award towards the development of this System.

The Banksia Sustainability Awards publicly recognises the outstanding contribution of an organisation towards sustainability initiatives.  The Smart Technology Award is presented for demonstrated leadership and innovation in the development and application of technology, which directly promotes a more sustainable world.

A full description of the project and the system can be found at

For more information on the Banksia Sustainability Awards, visit
2016 FMA Excellence Awards

Have you started putting some thought into a submission for the 2016 FMA Excellence Awards? If you are looking for some inspiration, head over to to take a look at the winners from last year’s competition.

We look forward to making the Awards bigger this year, and celebrating all of your good work  towards keeping your communities safer. 
Applications Open for 2016/17 Floodplain Management Grants

The Office of Environment and Heritage is calling for applications for funding under the Floodplain Management Program for the 2016/17 year.

Funding is available for projects that manage flood risk including:
  • Flood study (including data collection)
  • Preparation or review of a floodplain risk management study and plan
  • Investigation, design and/or feasibility study for works identified in a floodplain risk management plan; this stage must be undertaken for projects that are likely to exceed a total project cost of $500,000
  • Implementation actions identified in a floodplain risk management plan.
Applications close 17 March 2016.

More information, grant application guidelines and forms are available at

Upcoming Meetings

During February, FMA will hold its Queensland Chapter Meeting in Brisbane and its Quarterly Meeting in Sydney, so save the dates in your diaries now.

  • FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting
    • Wednesday, 17 February, at 80 George Street in Brisbane.
  • FMA February Quarterly Meeting
    • Thursday, 25 February, at the Bureau of Meteorology in Sydney.

Details of the Meetings such as workshop topics and Business Papers will be circulated closer to the date. 
Bluemont and Newcastle City Council Mobile Flood Barrier Tests
Pictured: The Rapidam in action.

December saw two FMA Members Bluemont Pty Ltd and Newcastle City Council, together with Royal Haskoning DHV (RHDHV) come together to undertake a series of mobile flood barrier tests in a tidal stormwater channel in Newcastle.

Flood and water experts, emergency service personnel and Council members attended the live test day. During the day, several barriers were deployed, demonstrating their different strengths and suitability, including the BoxBarrier, BoxWall, NoFloods Twin Tube and Rapidam. Members may remember these barriers from FMA Conference Trade Displays.
Pictured: Ben Patterson (RHDHV) and Justin Bear (Bluemont) filling sandbags.
Justin Bear of Bluemont said the day was the first of its kind in Australia, in that multiple barriers were deployed in one location on one day.

“Suppliers such as Bluemont can supply a barrier as you require.  However the research by companies such as RHDHV into which barrier is best to mitigate against flood water in terms of water depth and flow is very important; too small and it may be negated and too large and it could waste funds and resources” said Mr Bear.

Mobile flood barriers have been successfully deployed throughout Europe for some time, more recently with successful deployments throughout the US and Asia, but are still relatively new to Australia.

For more information on Bluemont, visit
BOM Farewells Gordon McKay
Pictured: Gordon McKay (centre) and his colleagues in Sydney. 

Gordon McKay, Regional Hydrology Manager at the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), was regaled with a special farewell ceremony for his retirement at BOM Headquarters in New South Wales in December. Members will know Gordon from his informative and entertaining presentations at FMA Conferences and meetings and his timely Flood Watches and Flood Warnings.

Chas Keys, former NSW SES Deputy Director, gave Gordon a good roasting citing several of his “go high – go early” flood predictions on the day. Gordon received a Golden Rain Gauge and a commemorative Gauge Plate acknowledging his many years of flood forecasting. 

FMA Land Use Planning Director Paul Grech was one of many colleagues farewelling Gordon. "It is clear to me that Gordon's expertise in flood forecasting and warnings is remarkable and he will surely be missed" Mr Grech said.

FMA would like to thank Gordon for his outstanding contribution to improving flood warning arrangements across New South Wales, and his strong support of FMA over the years. We wish him all the best for a relaxing retirement.
 Pictured: Gordon with his commemorative gauge plate and golden rain gauge in Sydney.
FMA Land Use Planning Director Paul Grech was one of many colleagues farewelling Gordon. "It is clear to me that Gordon's expertise in flood forecasting and warnings is remarkable and he will surely be missed" Mr Grech said.

FMA would like to thank Gordon for his outstanding contribution to improving flood warning arrangements across New South Wales, and his strong support of FMA over the years. We wish him all the best for a relaxing retirement.
What Are You Working On?

Do you have a project that you’d like to share? Tell us all about your flood risk management work and we’ll share it with our Members in our Monthly FMA Flyer. 
Flood Insurance in the UK

After the recent flood events in the United Kingdom, a government-backed scheme called Flood Re was initiated, which aims to help homeowners in high risk areas access affordable flood insurance. Insurers are able to pass on the flood risk element of the policy to the program, and premiums will be capped based on each property’s council tax band.

Flood Re will launch in April 2016, and aims to provide flood cover for up to 350,000 householders. In the short term, it will be funded by collecting a levy on insurers operating in the market, estimated at around £10 per house insured per year.

For more information on Flood Re visit

Interesting media comments on UK flood mapping and the Flood Re program can be found at:


Natural Hazards Analyst - Molino Stewart Pty Ltd

This newly created position within  Molino Stewart’s growing team will see a person with up to five years’ experience undertaking natural hazards investigations, report preparation and GIS mapping. You will make a significant contribution to cutting edge natural hazards projects.  Flood modelling experience is an advantage.

Visit for a position description and application details.

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


The FMA is occasionally contacted by young professional in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.


FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting, Brisbane, Queensland, 17 February 2016

FMA February Quarterly Meeting, Sydney, New South Wales, 25 February 2016

56th Annual FMA Conference, Nowra, New South Wales, 17-20 May 2016

The International Emergency Management Society 2016 Annual Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 13-15 September 2016

FLOODRisk 2016, Lyon, France, 17-21 October 2016
Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? 

Larry Larson and Doug Plasencia of the Association of State Floodplain Managers (US) enjoying their FMA Conference Caps at the ASFPM Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!