FMA Monthly Flyer 5 May

Published: Tue, 05/31/16

What an excellent Conference that was!
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MAY 2016 


FMA August Quarterly Meeting, Thursday 18 August 2016 in Sydney.

Conference Round-Up

The 2016 FMA Conference in Nowra has come to a close with over 280 delegates from more than 140 organisations attending the milestone event. This year we had attendees from Queensland, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, New Zealand, Poland and The United States of America.

This Conference was the first to take place under the new Floodplain Management Australia banner, and was exceptionally well received with delegates stating that it has been the best FMA Conference so far.

Highlights of the event include the popular Pre-Conference Workshops, addresses by Mayor Councillor Joanna Gash, the Hon. David Elliot MP, NSW Minister for Emergency Services, and the Hon. Michael Keenan, Australian Minister for Justice (via video presentation), as well as three outstanding keynote presentations by Prof. Darryl Low Choy, Brigadier Darren Naumann AM and Associate Prof. Lisa Gibbs.

The Conference venue provided a picturesque backdrop for workshopping, networking and showcasing the exceptional work that flood risk professionals are contributing to across Australia and overseas. The Harold Sternbeck Medal returned with many presentations being noted for their innovation and excellence, and the Poster Presentation of the Conference was decided this year through a People’s Choice Vote.

The social events gave life to the personality and history of the Shoalhaven area, with a memorable flood proclamation by  ‘Governor Macquarie’ at the Casual Dinner, and an eye-opening presentation by Shannon Crofton, NSW SES and Fire and Rescue, during the Conference Dinner. The Conference Dinner also provided appropriate festivities, especially the outstanding performance of the Ballad of the Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy by Viktor Brenners and Susan Lengyel, which accompanied the 2016 FMA Excellence Awards.

The Conference would not have been possible without the attendance and contribution of each and every one of its delegates, attendees, sponsors and trade displays. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our event, and thank you for your unwavering enthusiasm in making our communities safer every day. We look forward to showing you another great, and informative, time in Newcastle next year.

Conference papers are now available at the Conference website:

If you have not already done so please complete the post Conference evluation at:​​​​​​​.
2016 FMA Excellence Awards

At the 56th Annual FMA Conference in Nowra this month, the 2016 Excellence Awards were held, with the winners announced at the Conference Gala Dinner.

Allan Ezzy Flood Risk Manager of the Year​​​​​​​
 Pictured (from left): FMA President Ian Dinham, Drew Bewsher (Bewsher Consulting) and Allan Ezzy (FMA Immediate Past President).
Drew Bewsher, Bewsher Consulting, is the winner of the nation-wide 2016 Allan Ezzy Flood Risk Manager of the Year Award.

This Excellence Award aims to recognise and promote the invaluable work individuals are doing to make their communities safer in the realm of flood risk management (FRM).

Drew’s career of over 30 years has included the preparation of over 30 FRM studies and plans, and 20 development control plans for Councils across NSW. This level of dedication to FRM is to be recognised and commended.

As part of his work, Drew has supported and trained a number of floodplain managers who continue to work in the FRM space, which is invaluable to the future of the industry.

“Congratulations to Drew on his outstanding contribution to FRM over the years, and his unwavering drive to improve the resilience of communities from all around the nation,” FMA President Ian Dinham said.

FMA-NRMA Insurance Flood Risk Management Project of the Year​​​​​​​
Pictured (from left): FMA President Ian Dinham, Steve Rosso (representing Moreton Bay Regional Council) and Nick Bartzis (NRMA Insurance). 
Moreton Bay Regional Council was presented with the Flood Risk Management Project of the Year Award for its Regional Flood Data Management Software project.

This project focussed on developing an automated flood data management and report generating system. The new system integrates region-wide data from across 14 catchments, and enables the Council to produce timely, clear and consistent flood data reports for every property in the region.

By automating the flood data management process, the Council has dramatically increased the number of flood data reports they can produce each year, and  individuals can create their own reports via the Council’s website.

Through the project, Moreton Bay Regional Council is able to respond quickly to requests for flood reports and is increasing accessibility to information and awareness of flood risks within the community. 

As the winner of the Excellence Award, Moreton Bay Regional Council  received $2,500 from NRMA Insurance to continue their important work.  

NRMA Insurance Chief Executive, Anthony Justice, said the need to effectively manage and reduce the impact of flooding is of national importance.

“All too often we see the devastating impact floods can have on our communities, highlighting the need for more effective floodplain management activities,” Mr Justice said.

“It’s important to recognise and support organisations that work to help make our communities safer, stronger and more resilient. That’s why we’re proud to support the FMA NRMA Insurance Excellence Award.”

Highly Commended Project
Pictured (from left): FMA President Ian Dinham, Abdul Aziz (Wimmera CMA), Paul Fennell (Wimmera CMA), Clare Wilson (Wimmera CMA), Ben Tate (Water Technology) and Nick Bartzis (NRMA Insurance). 
Wimmera Catchment Management Authority in conjunction with Water Technology received a High Commendation for their project Warracknabeal and Brim Flood Investigation.

The project focussed on producing historical flood mapping and building a levee for the Yarriambiack Creek, a distributary of the Wimmera River. The historical flood mapping was used to form the basis of the levee design to protect the Warracknabeal community from 1-in-100 year floods.

The project consisted of extensive community consultation activities, which included holding community forums, producing social media campaigns and creating a steering committee to ensure a coordinated approach was taken. Through the project, Wimmera CMA and Water Technology have increased awareness of, and resilience to flood risks in the Yarriambiack community.

FMA President Ian Dinham said “We’re pleased to commend Wimmera CMA and Water Technology on their project and encourage them to continue their work in order to create more opportunities to manage flood risks.”

Congratulations and thank you to all those who submitted nominations for the 2016 FMA Excellence Awards. These Awards provide the opportunity to showcase the incredible work that professionals are doing within the flood risk management space, and that work should be recognised. We look forward to hearing more about your projects in our next round of the Awards in 2017.

In the meantime, should you have any projects that you feel would be of interest to our Members, please contact Dominique Jovanovic at
Winner of 2016 Harold Sternbeck Medal Announced

The prestigious Harold Sternbeck Medal is awarded at the FMA Annual Conference each year to recognise excellence for the best paper presentation at the Conference. Both 10 minute and 25 minute presentations are included. This year there were a total of 65 papers.

The Harold Sternbeck Medal is awarded in recognition of Harold Sternbeck contribution to the FMA. Harold was a much revered former Chairman of the FMA and the FMA’s first Life Member. He was a fierce negotiator on all things flood related, especially the politics of funding allocations.

Once again, the calibre of paper presentations at the Conference was very high. The winner of the 2016 Harold Sternbeck Medal is awarded to:
  • Allan Gear (formerly of The Hills Shire Council) for his paper entitled ‘Of Doubts and Flooded Drains: the artistry in defining an overland flowpath’.
With so many great paper presentations, it has been decided to also award two Highly Commended Awards:
  • Andrew Gissing (Risk Frontiers) for his paper entitled ‘An Analysis of Human Fatalities from Flood Hazards in Australia 1900-2014’.
  • Thelma Marr (Shoalhaven City Council) and Stephen Yeo (Flood Focus Consulting) for their paper entitled ‘Plans Schmans? How Caravan Parks Responded to the August 2015 Sussex Inlet and Conjola Lake Floods’.
The 2016 Harold Sternbeck Medal and Highly Commended Awards will presented formally at the next FMA Quarterly Meeting in August.
Poster Presentation/People's Choice Award
In addition to the Harold Sternbeck Award, the best Poster Presentation at the Conference was determined by a People’s Choice vote, with the winner announced at the Conference Closing Ceremony as:
  • ‘Informed Evacuation Planning: simultaneous TUFLOW flood and traffic modelling’ by Chris Huxley (BMT WBM).
Congratulations again to Chris for his informative presentation.
Welcome to the BoM

Welcome to the Bureau of Meteorology, which has joined the ranks of FMA Corporate Members.

The Bureau of Meteorology is Australia's national weather, climate and water agency. Its expertise and services assist Australians in dealing with the harsh realities of their natural environment, including drought, floods, fires, storms, tsunami and tropical cyclones. Through regular forecasts, warnings, monitoring and advice spanning the Australian region and Antarctic territory, the Bureau provides one of the most fundamental and widely used services of government.

The Bureau contributes to national social, economic, cultural and environmental goals by providing observational, meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic services and by undertaking research into science and environment related issues in support of its operations and services. The BoM is the primary agency for riverine flood forcasting in Australia. 

The Flood Warning Service Program provides effective flood forecasting and warning services in each Australian State and Territory in cooperation with emergency management agencies, water authorities and local Councils, coordinated through Flood Warning Consultative Committees.

The Bureau has been a long time supporter of FMA at our Conferences and meetings and we look forward to continuing to work closely together in the future.

For more information, visit 
FRM Short Course - An Ideal Intro for Councillors + Staff

The FMA-OEH Floodplain Risk Management Short Course will be offered  in three blocks in August, September and October, and is an ideal introduction to flood risk management, or opportunity to broaden your skills.

This course is conducted by University of Technology, Sydney in conjunction with Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) and the NSW Government.

Taught by industry professionals, including flood risk and emergency response management and land use planning experts from NSW Government, local government and consultancies, this course uses lectures and interactive tutorials to show how the development and implementation of plans to manage flood risk can reduce the impacts of flooding on the community and the built environment.

Floodplain Risk Management is aimed at engineers, emergency managers and land use planners who are engaged in, or seeking to enter, the floodplain risk management industry in Australia and wanting to learn more about developing and implementing management plans considering best practice.

It is also suitable for elected local government officials and community representatives on floodplain risk management committees seeking a background in floodplain risk management, flood mitigation, emergency management and land use planning issues.

  • Block 1 Introduction to Floodplain Risk Management 4-5 August 2016
  • Block 2 Managing Flood Risk to Existing Properties 8-9 September 2016
  • Block 3 Effective Consideration of Flood Risk in Land Use Planning 6-7 October 2016
More details on the Course can be found at
Bluemont Flood Barrier Wet Display in Nowra
Those of you who attended our Conference in Nowra may have been present at the excellent wet demonstration of Bluemont’s flood barriers at the Shoalhaven Wharf.

This is the first live demonstration of the capabilities of portable flood barriers at an FMA Conference, and generated a great deal of interest among delegates.

If you have any photographs or videos of the display, can you please forward them onto Justin Bear at
Save the Date 2017 FMA National Conference Newcastle

The 2017 FMA National Conference will be held in Newcastle, NSW from 16-19 May at the Newcastle Exhibition and Convention Centre. 

The Conference coincides with the 10 year anniversary of the renowned “Pasha Bulka” storm of 2007 and the Newcastle and Hunter Valley floods. 

Newcastle and the Hunter River will provide a range of experiences for technical inspections, including improvements in flood risk management made since the extensive 2007 flooding. 

Building on the experiences of our 2013 and 2015 National Conferences, delegates are assured of another outstanding National Conference in 2017. 

Make sure you reserve the Conference in your 2017 Calendar and Budget now!
Upcoming FMA Meetings

The next Meetings of Floodplain Management Australia will be held in:
  • August:
    Thursday 18th August in Sydney (Quarterly Meeting)

  • November:
    Wednesday 16th November in Brisbane (QLD Chapter Meeting)
    Thursday 25th November in Sydney (Quarterly Meeting)
As is the norm, a light lunch will be provided, and a workshop will be run at the conclusion of the Meeting.

Further details of the Meetings will be circulated at closer dates, but take the opportunity to save the dates now.
PIA Awards - Nominate Your FRM Project!

The Planning Institute of Australia is now accepting nominations for 2016 State and Territory level awards until 8th August.

The annual PIA Awards for Planning Excellence demonstrate leading practice, leadership and achievement in planning and the planning profession. The Awards recognise excellence and showcase leading practice across a range of planning disciplines and sectors.

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase the significant but often unrecognised work being done by Land Use Planners in the flood risk management field.

As a national program, the Awards commence at the state and territory level seeking out the best of planning in each jurisdiction. Following judgement and recognition at a state or territory Awards ceremony, the best from each state and territory are judged at a national level, culminating in the National Awards for Planning Excellence ceremony.

For more information on the Awards, and to download the nomination guidelines, visit
HEC-RAS 2D Training - Special Offer

HEC-RAS 5.0 with 2D hydraulic modelling capabilities was released for free download in March 2016. Krey Price, an Australia-based hydraulic engineer who spent 15 years of his career developing hydraulic models for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is offering an intensive, interactive 2-day training course in Sydney,  Brisbane,  Perth,  Hobart,  Adelaide and Melbourne .

The course is designed to prepare attendees to build, run, and interpret 2D floodplain models using HEC-RAS.

Details and registration forms for the course can be accessed at

The price for the 2-day course is $795 incl. GST. A $100 discount is available for Floodplain Management Australia Members by entering the coupon code "FMA" at checkout.

Please contact with any questions.

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


The FMA is occasionally contacted by young professionals in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.

Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? ​​​​​​​
Pictured: Delegates on the Shoalhaven boat field trip during the 56th Annual FMA Conference in Nowra this month .  

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!
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