FMA Monthly Flyer 9 September

Published: Thu, 09/29/16

October FRM Short Course Starting Soon....
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FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting, Wednesday 16 November 2016 in Brisbane
FMA November Quarterly Meeting, Thursday 24 November 2016 in Sydney.

FRM Short Course 6-7 October

The final block of the FMA-OEH FRM short course at the University of Technology, Sydney will be run in October.

Effective Consideration of Flood Risk in Land Use Planning 6-7 October

Topics of this program include:
  • managing risk to future properties and associated duty of care issues
  • the role of management studies and plans in managing risk of future property
  • the current legislation and policy framework
  • managing flood risk strategically
  • manage risk to future development
  • continuing flood risk and how to manage this risk, and
  • effectively implement recommendations
The Course is suited to any involved in floodplain risk management, or those wishing to know more, such as Councilors and staff.

Media Release - Long Road to Flood Recovery

Damage from the persistent wet weather over New South Wales throughout September highlights the need for improved arrangements for flood repair and recovery.

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham said “With the end of the El Nino we are now seeing the familiar scenario where flooding then occurs. We have flood warnings for 11 New South Wales river systems, 1000 people ordered to evacuate at flood-stricken Forbes, and more rain predicted for the Central West this week. The damage to property and infrastructure is already running to tens of millions of dollars, and the road to recovery for flood affected communities will take years.”

Mr Dinham said FMA has been concerned for some time about the complex eligibility arrangements and lengthy approval process for Councils seeking Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Assistance (NDRRA).

“After floods and storms the community expectation is that Councils manage the clean-up and repair swiftly. Over recent years an increasing number of post-flood activities carried out by Councils have become ineligible for government assistance, and the approvals process is unnecessarily delaying recovery actions.

“Councils are now required to engage private consultants and external contractors to reinstate vital road and other infrastructure to be eligible for NDRRA funding. This can add significantly to the overall costs, as well as prolong interruption and inconvenience for communities and industries.

Mr Dinham said that FMA Members have reported delays of up to 12 months for essential repairs to roads and infrastructure which should be fast-tracked.

“There are also instances in which repeated flood damage could have been avoided if the funding rules had allowed assets to be repaired to better resist future floods.

“Governments need to focus on strategies to reduce future flood losses and community disruption, rather than encourage repeated repair and replacement of public infrastructure to the same standard after each flood”. 

Flooding is the most costly, yet manageable of natural disasters with recent estimates costing Australia over $560 million a year.

Floodplain Management Australia brings together experts from across Australia and overseas to help build a more flood resilient nation. Members include over 120 councils, catchment management authorities, businesses, and professionals involved in urban and rural flood risk management.

Issued 29 September 2016.
New Members

We would like to extend the warmest of welcomes to our new FMA Members:
North Central CMA (NCCMA) is the regional floodplain management authority in the north central region of Victoria, covering approximately 13% of the state. Some townships include Bendigo, Echuca, Swan Hill, Charlton and Rochester.

NCCMA’s primary role centres around providing support to local councils and VICSES to ensure that new development is built appropriately, communities are prepared for future flood events, and there is adequate flood intelligence to enable emergency services to respond to future flood events.

To find out more about NCCMA, visit

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) in Victoria leads Victoria’s floodplain management policy and develops state legislation and standards for floodplain management.

DELWP assists Victorian LGAs to manage floodplains and implement flood mitigation works to reduce the risk of flooding, as well as facilitates the management of levee systems, oversees flood warning systems and collates flood information across the state.

For more information on DELWP, visit
Hydrology and Risk Consulting (HARC) is a consulting engineering company specialising in surface water hydrology and flood modelling.  HARC is located in Blackburn, Victoria, but works for a range of private industry and government clients across Australia.  The scope of HARC’s services includes activities such as flood studies, flood risk management studies, hydrological and 1D/2D hydraulic modelling and flood damage and consequence assessments.

Some of HARC’s current and recent projects include a flood hydrology for the Swan Avon River, a review of the hydrological modelling for Townsville City Council and an independent review of the Tuggeranong Creek flood study in the ACT. 

Learn more about HARC at
2017 FMA Conference - Call For Abstracts Opens Soon
The Conference Committee is now calling for papers for the Floodplain Management Australia Conference, hosted by Newcastle City Council during 16 - 19 May 2017. The theme for the 2017 conference is "Preparing for the Next Great Flood" which will focus on lessons and implementation.

We are looking for a range of high quality presentations from across Australia dealing with riverine, overland and flash flooding, and coastal inundation. The content can be technical or non-technical to suit our varied audience. Tertiary students studying floodplain management or natural disaster management are particularly encouraged to participate.

The subject of the presentation should align with one or more of the following topic areas:
  • Community engagement, consultation and resilience
  • Flood recovery – rebuilding, betterment, insurance, economic and social issues
  • Disaster planning and emergency response
  • Flood forecasting and warning
  • Land use planning and legislative issues
  • Identifying flood risk, modelling and tools
  • Flood Information and data sharing
  • Environment, climate change adaptation and sea level rise
  • Structural mitigation works and asset management
  • Flood resilient urban design and building design
  • Integrated catchment management – river management, water economics
  • State, National and International solutions and coordination
  • Flood stories - flood experiences in your local area, case studies and lessons learnt.
For further information, as well as online abstract submission, please visit
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2016

International Day for Disaster Reduction, held every 13 October, celebrates how people and communities around the world are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness about the importance of reining in the risks that they face.

With the slogan Live to Tell the 2016 edition marks the launch of the new “Sendai Seven Campaign – 7 Targets, 7 Years”, centred on the seven targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

The United Nations initiative will encourage implementation of the Sendai Framework with the goal of saving lives, reducing disaster losses and improving management of disaster risk.

Further information is at:
Australian Business Roundtable commits to RediPlan
The Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience & Safer Communities member organisations have committed to promote the Australian Red Cross' Rediplan across their network to help all Australians prepare for natural disasters.

With increasing evidence of the long-lasting impacts of disaster, Australian Red Cross Chief Executive Judy Slatyer says this message has never been more important.

"One in three Australians will face a natural disaster in their lifetime, yet most people still don't think it will happen to them." Ms Slatyer says.

The Red Cross Rediplan helps people prepare by asking people to start thinking about that matters most, then make a plan to protect it in the event of a disaster.

More more information, visit
XP Solutions Flood and Stormwater Modelling Training

FMA Member XP Solutions is holding Flood and Stormwater Modelling Training during November in Brisbane and Melbourne.

This training will focus on stormwater and flood modelling, starting with hydrology and hydraulics, provide more in-depth instruction and exercise for advanced stormwater hydrology and more advanced modelling functions such as dual drainage and storage, plus integrated 1D/2D flood modelling.


Brisbane – Wed 9 November- Fri 11 November
Melbourne – Wednesday 23 November – Friday 25 November

For more information, visit
Flood CoP Showcase at IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition on Queensland

Flood Community of Practice will be running a showcase of four years of Dutch-Australian water management collaboration on 10 October, during the IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition in Brisbane.

Since 2012 a series of collaboration activities have been underway in the water management and flood risk management arena. Deltares, HydroLogic, Royal HaskoningDHV Australia, Dutch Water Challenge and UNSECO-IHE have worked on a suite of projects with Australian partners. Also alongside the groups, the Queensland based Flood Community of Practice (CoP) have been active providing a series of engaging events on aspects of flood and water management that builds on the joint experiences and skills of the two countries.

At this forum short presentations of the activities will be presented, along with insights on the lessons learnt from the collaboration and future opportunities that would like to be considered.

For further details contact Piet Filet – Convenor Flood Community of Practice - on 0407 915 672 or visit the website for any updates.

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.



If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


The FMA is occasionally contacted by young professionals in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.


FloodExpo 2016, London, England, 12-13 October 2016

, Lyon, France, 17-21 October 2016

ICFRIR 2016: 18th International Conference on Flood Recovery, Innovation, and Response, Paris, France, 24-25 October 2016

2017 FMA National Conference Abstracts Close, 28 October 2016

FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting, Brisbane, Queensland, 16 November 2016

FMA November Quarterly Meeting, Sydney, New South Wales, 24 November 2016

Water, Infrastructure and Environment- 56th New Zealand Hydrological Society, 37th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, including 7th IPENZ Rivers Group, Queenstown, New Zealand, 28 November - 2 December 2016 

2017 FMA National Conference, Newcastle, New South Wales, 16-19 May 2017

Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? ​​​​​​​
Pictured: Greg Davis (OEH) sporting his FMA Cap during the 2016 Conference Field Trip, Nowra.

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!
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