FMA Monthly Flyer 1 January

Published: Tue, 01/31/17

Happy New Year!
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January 2017 


FMA February QLD Chapter Meeting, Wednesday 15 February 2017 in Brisbane
FMA February NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting, Thursday 23 February 2017 in Sydney.

Welcome to 2017

Welcome to another year with Floodplain Management Australia!

I look forward to this coming year, not only for our exciting National Conference in Newcastle, or the upcoming Netherlands Water Management Study Tour, but also for the continuing networking opportunities at our Meetings (both Sydney and Queensland), where I get to discuss with you all about what is important to you, and your organisations.

FMA is built on the strength of our Members and the connections we make during our Meetings and events, and with your continued support this year will be our biggest yet.

I hope you will join me in person at our events throughout the year to help continue making our communities safer.

Ian Dinham | President​​​​​​​

P.S. We always welcome new Members, so if you know a FRM professional or organisation who might be interested in joining our ranks, pass on the details of
Better Arrangements Still Needed for Flood Mitigation and Recovery

FMA President Ian Dinham says the December response by the Australian Government to the recommendations of the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disaster Funding Arrangements, while encouraging, still leaves much to be desired.

“A plethora of reports has clearly demonstrated that investing in pre-disaster planning and mitigation is many times more cost effective than paying for recovery and repairs after the event” Mr Dinham commented.

“However there is no indication that the Commonwealth and State and Territory governments are close to an agreement on how this can be achieved.”

In regard to natural disaster recovery arrangements Mr Dinham said that the proposed upfront recovery funding model, to be tested with Councils, is a welcome development. Federal Minister for Justice Michael Keenan in his 23 November letter to FMA stated:

“The proposed new arrangements will provide a greater level of flexibility for state and local governments to spend recovery funding in a manner most suitable to local needs. This will also include removing restrictions around day labour and plant and equipment, and providing greater flexibility for damaged assets to be rebuilt to a more resilient standard.”

Mr Dinham said he has written to Minister Keenan requesting a meeting to discuss Members’ concerns about these issues.
Upcoming Meetings

FMA will be convening Meetings in Brisbane and Sydney in February:

  • FMA February QLD Chapter Meeting, Brisbane, Wednesday 15 February
  • FMA February NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting, Sydney, Thursday 23 February

Business Papers and further details of the Meetings will be circulated closer to the dates.

Please RSVP your proposed attendance to or and make sure you indicate Brisbane or Sydney.
New NSW Government Cabinet

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced details of her new Cabinet on 29 January. There have been a number of changes to portfolios with which FMA has dealings.

Gabrielle Upton will take responsibility for the Environment, Local Government and Heritage portfolios, directly swapping with Mark Speakman who becomes Attorney General.

Troy Grant MP becomes Minister for Emergency Services and Minister for Police, with David Elliott taking on Counter Terrorism, in addition to his previous Corrections, and Veterans Affairs portfolios.

Anthony Roberts takes the Planning portfolio, and the Housing and Special Minister of State portfolios. Mr Roberts has previously shown an appetite for reform, during his time as Fair Trading Minister he initiated the strata reforms, which were enacted at the end of 2016. This could be important with the Greater Sydney Commission's Draft District Plans on public exhibition as well as proposed amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.  Rob Stokes becomes Education Minister.

Victor Dominello takes over Finance, Services and Property, which includes NSW Public Works.

The Premier has noted that the three pillars her government will be built around are the economy, infrastructure and housing affordability.

President Ian Dinham said FMA looks forward to working with the new appointees, and will request meetings in the near future to acquaint them with the priority flood risk management issues facing NSW.
FMA Online Resources Series - Resource 1 Available NOW

The Online Resources Series was commenced by Communications Director Sue Ribbons in November 2016 as a pilot project for online resources and information for FMA Members. 

With so many of us needing information and answers 'yesterday' and with so many great online resources out there, the 'Online Resources Series' is a pilot project to assemble resources in one place for Members.

You can access the Resource through our FMA Members’ Section of under Technical Resources.

The Members’ Section is only available to current FMA Members, and you need to register for access.

To register your details if you are a current Member, contact

Information on joining our Membership is available at
FMA's Land Use Planning Position Policy (NSW) Updated

FMA’s Land Use Planning Position Policy is a flood risk management planning guideline for use by FMA to advocate best practice. It was developed by the Land Use Planning Working Group, led by Land Use Planning Director Paul Grech, and adopted at the AGM in May 2015.

The Policy was required to be reviewed after the first 12 months. The review has now been completed after consultation with Members, and the updated policy is at the FMA website
2017 FMA National Conference Update

Our next FMA National Conference is only 15 weeks away! Have you registered yet?

You don’t want to miss out on the FMA Casual Dinner, which will be taking place on the Wednesday evening. The Dinner will begin at with drinks and light hors d’oeuvres at the Newcastle Museum, where delegates can peruse the local exhibitions, including a special display (incorporating a virtual reality experience) on the devastating 2007 Pasha Bulker floods.

After an hour of unwinding with colleagues and freshly-made friends, delegates will stroll across to the Newcastle Maritime Museum for the main section of the Dinner, which will include lively entertainment and delicious catering with doors thrown open wide onto the beautiful harbour scene.

The Maritime Museum is located in a restored Wharf Building, and is the oldest maritime museum in Australia. The Museum presents an ever-changing collection of maritime objects, which reference the history of the Port of Newcastle and the Hunter River.  

This is shaping up to be our most popular Conference yet; so get in now to avoid missing out! Get all the details at
FMA Excellence Awards - Have You Got Your Entry Ready?

The time to start preparing your 2017 entry to the FMA Excellence Awards is NOW!

The Excellence Awards will be taking place again this year, with the winners being announced at the National FMA Conference at Newcastle in May.

This year the Awards will be open to all categories of FMA Membership, including Students and Individuals (in previous years ineligible).

The Floodplain Management Australia Excellence Awards are designed to publicly recognize the outstanding contribution of FMA organisations and individuals towards promoting wise land use planning, reducing flood impacts, managing flood incidents or restoring communities after a flood event.

The Awards are broken into two categories; 
  • FMA-NRMA Insurance Flood Risk Management Project of the Year
  • Allan Ezzy Flood Risk Manager of the Year​​​​​​​
Applications will be opening in February, with more information including application forms available at

Take this opportunity to showcase the incredible work that you, or your organisation, is doing in the field of Australian flood risk management.

Should you have any enquiries regarding the Awards, please contact
Get to Know Our Members - Lyall & Associates

Lyall & Associates offers specialist engineering services primarily in the fields of water resources and environmental engineering, with particular emphasis on catchment/floodplain modelling and Floodplain Management. 

Their services include all stages of project development including investigations, planning, concept design, final design and contract documentation.  The Principal and senior staff also provide expert advice and peer review services.

Lyall & Associates’ capability is based upon the extensive professional experience of its Principal, Scott Button supplemented by competent and dedicated professional and support staff.  The firm currently comprises nine professional engineers, one part-time undergraduate engineer and support staff.

Flood and floodplain risk management studies that the firm is presently undertaking for its local government clients with the financial assistance of the NSW Government via the Office of Environment and Heritage are as follows:

  • Holroyd City LGA Overland Flood Study (Client: Cumberland Council)
  • Lithgow Flood Study Review (Client: Lithgow City Council)
  • Crookwell, Gunning, Collector and Taralga Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan (Client: Upper Lachlan Shire Council)
  • Condobolin Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan (Client: Lachlan Shire Council)
  • Boorowa Flood and Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan (Hilltops Council)
  • Forbes Flood Study Review and Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan (Forbes Shire Council)
  • Pendle Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan (Cumberland Council)
  • Wee Waa Levee Risk Management Study and Draft Plan (Narrabri Shire Council)
  • St Marys (Byrnes Creek) Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan (Penrith City Council)
  • Braidwood Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan (Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council)
  • Review of Blackmans Swamp Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan & Development of Ploughmans Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (Client: Orange City Council)
  • Flat Rock Creek Flood Study Update (Client: Willoughby City Council)
  • Concept Design of Young Stormwater Upgrade Scheme (Client: Hilltops Council)
For the contact details of Lyall & Associates, visit

If you would like to be featured in our next ‘Get to Know Our Members’, contact 

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

No Current Vacancies.

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


The FMA is occasionally contacted by young professionals in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.


National Flood Forum: Are We Planning to Flood?, London, United Kingdom, 1 February 2017 

FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting, Brisbane, Queensland, 15 February 2017

FMA NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting, Sydney, New South Wales, 23 February 2017

ASFPM Annual Conference 2017, Kansas, USA, 30 April - 5 May 2017

2017 FMA National Conference, Newcastle, New South Wales, 16-19 May 2017
Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? ​​​​​​​
Pictured: FMA Project and Services Coordinator Dominique Jovanović on a dolphin watch cruise at Nelson Bay, New South Wales, donning a 2013 FMA cap.

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!
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