FMA Monthly Flyer 12 December

Published: Fri, 12/30/16

Season's Greetings and Happy New Year!
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December 2016 


FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting, Wednesday 15 February 2017 in Brisbane
FMA November Quarterly Meeting, Thursday 23 February 2017 in Sydney.

Season's Greetings from the President

And so comes the end of another year…

I wish you and your families all the very best for this Festive Season and New Year. I hope you enjoy your time together in a relaxing and enjoyable way, and can reflect on the year that has passed.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you who has assisted or participated in Floodplain Management Australia over the past 12 months. Your time and dedication has allowed us to become bigger, better, stronger and more connected.  

I look forward to working with you in the coming year, and seeing FMA grow even stronger as the national voice for floodplain risk management in Australia.​​​​​​​

Ian Dinham
​​​​​​​FMA President
Vietnamese Delegation - FMA Members Needed

Jaya Kandasamy, Associate Professsor at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), addressed the Quarterly Meeting in November requesting the assistance of FMA Members.

As Members may know, during May next year a delegation of 15 flood professionals from Viet Nam will be arriving in Australia as part of three week visit. During this time, the group will be joining the FMA National Conference, attending a lecture program at UTS, and also participating in site visits of Australian flood mitigation projects.

Prof. Kandasamy has asked for Councils and businesses involved in floodplain risk management to host a visit to their organisation and offer a briefing of local flood risk management issues and strategies, and a site inspection.

If you are interested in hosting a visit for the Viet Nam delegation, please contact Jaya Kandasamy at​​​​​​​
FMA Future Directions Surveys

During the FMA Meetings in Queensland and Sydney this past November, the Executive asked Members to complete a Future Directions Survey regarding Floodplain Management Australia.

This survey will be used to help guide FMA in a way that is aligned with Members’ best interests, requirements and recommendations. We want to ensure that we are providing you with exactly what you need to help make your communities safer.

Thank you to all who have completed and returned their survey, and for those that have not yet sent it through, it’s not too late! Please do so now at
FMA National Conference Registration is OPEN

Online registration for FMA’s 2017 National Conference in Newcastle has now opened at

Preparing for the Next Great Flood will focus on applying lessons from past floods and overcoming the challenges to helping our communities avoid future disasters. The event also coincides with the 2007 Anniversary of the Pasha Bulker storm in Newcastle, and will feature improvements to flood risk management since 2007, inspections of the Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation Scheme and the Newcastle Flash Flood Alert Service.

The Conference website is a hub of information regarding the Conference program, events, workshops, field trips, accommodation options, travel information, and sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, so jump online now and take a look.

Remember: FMA Members may be entitled to discounted registration rates. If you are unsure of your FMA Membership number, or status of your Membership, please contact
HEC-RAS 5.0 Training Course
For the first time participants in the FMA Conference will be able to undertake hands-on training in flood modelling.  The course will be run on Monday 15 May, the day before the Pre-conference Workshops.

The course will be taught by HDR’s Mark Forest and facilitated by Surface Water Solutions’ Krey Price. The proceedings will include a compressed demonstration of flood modelling capabilities within HEC-RAS, with selected lectures and an interactive workshop. Attendees will be provided with terrain files and other workshop materials prior to the course to allow participation in setting up, running, and animating a two-dimensional flood model from scratch during the workshop

A special discounted rate has been negotiated for FMA Conference attendees. Please book early as spaces are limited.

More information at the FMA National conference website:​​​​​​​.
Apps You Need Now

BoM Weather App

The Bureau of Meteorology has released a Weather smartphone app, which gives you the most accurate weather predictions for your area.

The app includes a myriad of features for your chosen location including current conditions, forecasts, warnings, and radars, which are updated regularly by Australia’s official weather source.

For more information, visit

Floods Near Me

Floods Near Me provides users with tailored warnings in relation to flood information available in New South Wales. The app has been developed by NSW Public Works in conjunction with Manly Hydraulics Laboratory using State Emergency Management Projects grant funding.

The app consolidates near real-time data from the BoM, NSW OEH, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory, State Emergency Service, Roads and Maritime Services and local councils in a single location.

The app provides:
  • User's Current Location or Dropped Pin
  • Road Closed and Water Over Road locations
  • Observed River Gauge Heights (with pinchable / spreadable Graphs)
  • Compare, Rename or make Favourite River Gauges
  • Flooded River Sections (based on Minor, Moderate and Major flood levels)
  • Flood Watch and Flood Warning information
Evacuation Warning, Evacuation Order and Evacuation All-Clear areas

For more information, visit
UK Winter 2015/16 Floods Report Published

The Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, in collaboration with the British Hydrological Society in the United Kingdom have released their report for the winter floods of 2015/16.

The review highlights:
  • That December was the wettest and, on average, the warmest on record in the UK, in records going back to 1910.
  • The highest ever recorded rainfall in the UK was measured when 341.4mm of rain fell at Honister Pass in the Lake District in the 24 hours on the 5th/6th December.
  • Record peak flows occurred at the rivers Eden, Tyne and Lune in England of around 1,700 cumecs.
  • Other record peak flows also took place on the rivers Nith, Tweed, Clyde, Forth and Tay in Scotland and the Mourne in Northern Ireland.
For more information, and to download a PDF of the report, visit
Dutch Flood and Water Tour EOI

Flood Community of Practice, in collaboration with Floodplain Management Australia and the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has organised a flood risk and water management study tour of the Netherlands to take place 21 October to 3 November 2017.

The tour will include a two-week program which will include visiting regional and major cities to witness how Dutch flood protection and adaptation measures have evolved and are being implemented. It will also include participation in the Amsterdam International Water Week Conference and field trips.

All travel from Australia, accommodation, touring and events in the Netherlands, will be arranged and included in the tour cost.

Expressions of interest sought by the end of January 2017:

Piet Filet Convenor Flood Community of Practice / 0407 915 672
Rain Radar Workshop Presentations Available
The 2016 Australian Radar Workshop sponsored by Gematronik and Monash University held at Monash University, Victoria, has now concluded, with presentations being made available online.

This year’s theme was “Applications and benefits of weather radar data”, and a special feature was a hands-on introductory tutorial using Python and specifically the Python ARM radar toolkit (Py-ART) for reading, processing and visualizing Australian weather radar data.

To access the workshop presentations online, visit

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

No Current Vacancies.

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


The FMA is occasionally contacted by young professionals in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.


National Flood Forum: Are We Planning to Flood?, London, United Kingdom, 1 February 2017 

​​​​​​​2017 FMA National Conference, Newcastle, New South Wales, 16-19 May 2017
Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? ​​​​​​​
Pictured: Simone de Kleermaeker (Deltares) and James Davidson (James Davidson Architect) at the FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting in Brisbane in November.

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next year!
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