FMA Monthly Flyer 4 April

Published: Sat, 04/29/17

Flood costs can be reduced...
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April 2017​


FMA May Quarterly Meeting and Annual General Meeting, Thursday 18 May 2017 at the FMA National Conference in Newcastle. 

Press Release: Flood Costs Can Be Reduced

30 March 2017
As the remnants of ex-tropical cyclone Debbie dump huge amounts of rain over South East Queensland and North East New South Wales Councils and emergency responders are having to deal with river and flash flooding on a scale that has not been seen for some time.

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham said “It is weather events like this, which have regularly occurred in the past, that should remind us all of the need to be prepared for the worst that nature delivers. Natural disasters are costing Australia over $560 million a year on average, and flooding is the most costly, yet manageable, natural hazard.

“Experience has shown that much can be done to reduce the risks from flooding through sensible land use planning, using appropriate building design and investing in flood mitigation infrastructure.

“Many of FMA’s Members are well prepared for this event, while others have plans to better protect their communities but progress has been stymied by inadequate financial assistance. Numerous studies have shown that every dollar invested in well planned pre-disaster risk reduction activities saves ten dollars in disaster response and recovery costs. FMA will continue to work with governments to enable the personal and economic costs of future floods to be reduced.

“At this time our thoughts go out to those who are suffering, and who will face the hardship of cleaning up and repairing their homes and businesses. The heroic efforts of our emergency services personnel are applauded as they carry out their often dangerous work of rescue and helping communities cope with the aftermath.”​​​​​​​
Press Release: Councils Count Flood Costs

​​​​​​​11 April 2017
The performance of levees during the extensive flooding in Queensland and northern New South Wales has again demonstrated that investment in flood mitigation makes sound economic sense.

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham said there are numerous examples over the last ten years of investment in flood levees paying for themselves many times over. In 2007 the Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation Scheme protected the Maitland CBD, in 2016 the Launceston Levee saved much of the city from inundation, and the Lismore flood levee kept the city safe from floods in 2008, 2009 and 2016.

“There have been some suggestions that the Lismore levee failed during the recent flooding but these are quite unfounded” Mr Dinham said.

“The levee was built to the height of a 1 in 10 year flood. This event was larger than a 1 in 10 year flood so the levee overtopped as it was planned to do. The CBD was flooded, but the flooding occurred in a controlled and predictable manner, maximising the time available for people to prepare and evacuate.

“There was a report of a crack in the levee but I understand that was simply a construction joint in the concrete section where a small amount of water was seen. The Lismore levee has protected the city from several floods since it was completed in 2005 but it will occasionally overtop when a larger flood, such as this one, occurs.

Mr Dinham said more investment in flood levees, and more funding for flood studies and planning, will save lives, reduce community hardship and misery, and lower property damage.

“Rockhampton, which has been a focus of attention over the past week, is a city which would benefit immensely from building a permanent flood levee” Mr Dinham said.

“Data from towns like St George in Queensland, which has recently constructed a flood levee, shows that when the flood risk is reduced, the community also benefits from reduced insurance premiums” Mr Dinham said.

In recent years the cost of natural disasters has sky rocketed. Mr Dinham said that modelling by Deloitte's for the Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience and Safer Communities showed that the financial and social costs in 2015 alone were more than $9 billion and these costs are expected to double by 2030.
Meet the 2017-2019 FMA Executive-Elect

Nominations for the 2017-2019 Executive Committee closed on 18 April. As one nomination was received for each position those nominees are elected. Ian Dinham, Larry Bolitho, Danny Rose, Paul Grech and Sue Ribbons will retain their current positions and Dwayne Honor will take up duty at the conclusion of the May Annual General Meeting.

Executive Officer Glenn Evans offered his congratulations and appreciation to all nominees for volunteering for these important roles. Mr Evans welcomed incoming Queensland Director Dwayne Honor from Bundaberg Regional Council who brings a wealth of practical experience to the Executive. “FMA has an excellent team with a range of backgrounds and areas of expertise to take the organisation forward over the next two years, particularly in Queensland.”

Mr Evans acknowledged retiring Queensland Director Con de Groot’s very substantial contribution to the work of the FMA Executive, and to the national growth of FMA. “Mr de Groot has been instrumental in strengthening positive links between FMA Members and the Queensland Government, and has guided development of the Queensland Chapter activities” Mr Evans said.
Ian Dinham President
Moree Plains Shire Council

Ian has been involved with FMA for over 10 years and has served as Chairperson since 2011. One of Ian's key roles with FMA has been to develop the FMA-OEH FRM Short Course at UTS and a series of one day workshops.
Larry Bolitho OAM Deputy President
FMA Individual Member

Larry has been a delegate for FMA for over 20 years and has served as Deputy Chairperson since 2011. Larry has represented FMA in numerous delegations to NSW and Australian government Ministers, as well as industry meetings, forums and conferences.
Allan Ezzy APM AM Immediate Past President
FMA Life Member

Allan served as FMA Chairman from 1999 until 2011 when he decided not to renominate for the position. Allan has been awarded a Life Membership of FMA, and has had an FMA Excellence Award established in his name.
Danny Rose Technical Director
Tweed Shire Council

Danny has served as Technical Director since 2013. Danny has been a frequent presenter at FMA Conferences, workshops and meetings and 
has been a member of the Program Advisory Committee for the National Conferences in 2013, 2015, and 2017.
Paul Grech Land Use Planning Director
GLN Planning

Paul has served as Land Use Planning Director since 2013. One of Paul's roles includes delivering the planning component of the FMA/OEH FRM Short Course. Paul has also authored a number of papers on the topic of flood risk management.
Sue Ribbons Communications Director
FMA Professional Member

Sue was elected to the position of Communication Director during 2016. Sue has more than 25 years’ experience as a floodplain risk management professional working for NSW local government, NSW state government and for private consulting practices.

Dwayne Honor Queensland Director
Bundaberg Regional Council​​​​​​​

Many FMA Members will be familiar with Dwayne from his extensive work in the flood risk management field, and his involvement with FMA meetings and events over the years. Dwayne has also recently completed a Churchill Scholarship focussed on development of evidence-based policy for community resilience and storm surge, which saw him travel to the Philippines and United States.
FMA National Conference Update

This year’s National Conference will be our largest and most comprehensive yet. We already have over 320 people from 150 organisations confirmed, but if you have not registered yet there is still room for you!

We are pleased to announce this year’s program of outstanding Keynote Presentations:
  • Tracy Green, IAG, Executive General Manager Customer and Underwriting representing the Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience and Safer Communities - “Mitigation is the Key”

  • Associate Professor Graham Brewer, Executive Director of CIFAL Newcastle, United Nations Institute for Training and Research - "CIFAL Newcastle: Local Action Towards International Goals"

  • Associate Professor Jacky Croke, University of Queensland – “What Did We Learn from the Lockyer Valley 2011 Flood? Lessons and Opportunities from the Big Flood Project”

  • Quy Nhan Pham & Ngoc Huan Tran, Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam - “Flooding in Vietnam: Current Status and Challenges”

  • Simone De Kleermaeker, Deltares and Brian Jackson, Water Technology - “Australian-Dutch Collaboration for Water Resilient Cities”
  • Thi Huong Lan Pham, Water Resources University, Vietnam - “Forecasting Study and Researches of Climate Change Impacts on the Red River Basin”.
FMA wishes to acknowledge the support of our 2017 National Conference Sponsors without whom we could not provide an event of this high standard:

Platinum: Insurance Council of Australia
Gold: NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
Silver: BMT WBM
Bronze: WMAwater, NSW State Emergency Service, Royal HaskoningDHV
Lanyard: HDR.

The full Conference Program and registration details are available online  at:
HEC-RAS 5.0 Training at the National Conference

Have you registered for the pre-conference HEC-RAS 5.0 2D flood modelling workshop yet?

The training runs on Monday 15 May at the Newcastle Exhibition and Convention Centre in conjunction with the 2017 FMA National Conference.

During this intensive and interactive one-day course, you will learn how to build, run and animate 2D flood models which can be used in:
  • Floodplain Mapping
  • Hydraulic Structures
  • Flood Routing
  • GIS Interfacing
  • Grid Development
  • Risk Assessment.
The Workshop will be taught by HDR's Mark Forest, and facilitated by Surface Water Solutions' Krey Price, with a CPD certification available to all participants.

FMA Members and registered conference delegates are also eligible for a 30% discount on the course fee.

Find more details, and how to register at
FMA President in Media - ABC Radio

FMA President, Ian Dinham, spoke to ABC Radio for their program The World Today this month regarding Australia's flood mitigation efforts.

Mr Dinham was interviewed by Kim Landers in response to the recent severe flooding in central Queensland and northern New South Wales.

You can listen to the interview online at
Tweed Shire Mayor Flood Appeal

Tweed Shire Council has established a Mayor Appeal Fund to draw together support from across the region and around the country in the midst of the worst flooding the Tweed has ever experienced. 

Launched by Tweed Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Katie Milne, the appeal provides the opportunity for Members of the public and the business community to contribute financially to support local families and recovery initiatives. 

Donations are tax deductible, and can be made at Commonwealth Bank branches, or electronically. 

Full details are available at

Risk Frontiers - New Flood Briefing Notes 

FMA Member Risk Frontiers has published two briefing notes this month regarding flood risk; No. 340 Flood Risk Perceptions of Lismore Businesses and No. 342 The 2017 Lismore Flood - insights from the field.

The Briefing Notes discuss the recent flooding in the Lismore area, insights from those who sheltered-in-place, and how the new levee impacted perceptions and preparedness.

You can read the Briefing Notes here.

For more information on Risk Frontiers, visit
Bluemont Member Feature
FMA Member Bluemont combines engineering capability with the distribution of a selection of the world's best tested and proven environmental solutions for:
  • Fire fighting systems (mobile)
  • Mobile high volume water supply systems
  • Flood defence and mitigation solutions
  • Simulated incident command training solutions
  • Erosion and environment management solutions for beaches and inland waterways.
The following is Justin Bear's report of how one of their products, the Hytrans Bulk Water Transfer System, was used in Lismore following the recent flooding.

Always Start at the Pub...

The Fire and Rescue NSW Bulk Water Transfer System  was used at Lismore last week to dewater many low lying areas. Of course this included the cellar at the pub.  Other sites were a motel swimming pool, an indoor swimming pool and an underground carpark.
The hydraulically driven submersible pump was acquired by Fire and Rescue NSW as multi capability system, one that could deliver high volume water for fire water supply and also be used for dewatering in times such as the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie.
 Fire and Rescue NSW took the unit north and spent the week helping the recovery effort. The portable and flexible design of the submersible pump means that it can access many tight spots and deep water down to 60 metres, and pump at rates of up to 8,000 lpm.
Before the trip to Lismore, the unit was used to pump out the carpark at the Salvation Army building at Redfern, and a multistorey underground carpark at Burwood, from more localised flooding with the heavy rains in Sydney over the past few weeks.

A great effort by the team, as every bit helps in the recovery process.

For more information on Bluemont, visit
Australasia-Pacific Disaster Mangement, Recovery and Emergency Communications Forum

The Australasia-Pacific Disaster Management, Recovery and Emergency Communications Forum will be held in Christchurch, New Zealand from 26-28 June 2017.

The forum will focus on Natural Disaster Warning, Response and Recovery and will feature:
  • Framework of Pre-Disaster Planning Essential to Post-Disaster Resilience
  • Design of Early Warning for Geographical Disaster Through Advanced Technology
  • Sendai Supports Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Emergency Communication in a Changing Media Network World​​​​​​​
For more information on the forum, visit

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

No Current Vacancies.

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


The FMA is occasionally contacted by young professionals in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.


ASFPM Annual Conference 2017, Kansas, USA, 30 April - 5 May 2017

LGAQ Disaster Management Conference, Mackay, Queensland, 9-11 May 2017

2017 FMA National Conference, Newcastle, New South Wales, 16-19 May 2017

Australasia-Pacific Disaster Management, Recover and Emergency Communications Forum, Christchurch, New Zealand, 16-18 June 2017
International RiverSymposium,
Brisbane, Queensland,
 18-20 September 2017
Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? ​​​​​​​
Pictured: Three FMA Conference Caps sneaking in to listen to Karl Sullivan (General Manager Risk, IAG) talk about insurance in Australia at an FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting.

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!
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