FMA Monthly Flyer 7 July

Published: Mon, 07/31/17

And the winner of the Harold Sternbeck Medal is...
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July 2017​


NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting and Workshop, Thursday 17 August in Sydney
Queensland Chapter Meeting and Workshop, Wednesday 15 November in Brisbane.

And the 2017 Harold Sternbeck Medal Winner Is...
Pictured: Dr Raymond Laine presenting his paper at the 2017 FMA National Conference in Newcastle.

Dr Raymond Laine (Professional FMA Member), founder of Tasmanian firm Ozengage for his presentation "Bring the Marshmallows: New Engagement Technologies Stoking Flood Conversations".

FMA Communications Director Sue Ribbons, who is responsible for overseeing the judging of the Medal, said "It is incredibly pleasing to see presentations of such great quality, especially from FMA Members."

"Once again the calibre of presentations was very high and it has been decided to also award two Highly Commended Awards" said Ms Ribbons.

The Highly Commended presentations:
  • Sarah U'Brien (Dungog Shire Community Centre) - Dungog 2015 Floods: A case study of community led recovery
  • Grantley Smith (UNSW Water Research Laboratory) - Vehicle stability testing for flood flows
The Harold Sternbeck Medal is awarded for the best paper presentation which demonstrated excellence of the highest order.  The Medal is not awarded lightly, and in some cases, no winner has been announced that year.

Harold Sternbeck was a member of the FMA Executive from 1972 to 2009. Harold was elected Chairman from 1991 to 1999, and Deputy Chairman from 2003 to 2004.

Harold received the first Life Membership of FMA in 2005, and he  continued to contribute to local, state and national floodplain management issues until shortly before his passing in 2010.

In 2000, in recognition of Harold’s extensive service to FMA and his  prowess as a persuasive public speaker, FMA established the  Harold Sternbeck Medal to be presented at the Annual FMA Conference. 

A formal Medal presentation will be made at the upcoming NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting in Sydney on 17 August.

​​​​​​​You can view past winners' presentations/papers at
Floodplain Risk Management Short Course Begins in August

The 2017 FMA-OEH Floodplain Risk Management Short Course at the University of Technology, Sydney will be commencing on 3 August.

The Short Course is taught by industry professionals, including flood risk and emergency response management and land use planning experts from NSW Government, local government and consultancies.

Floodplain Risk Management is aimed at engineers, emergency managers and land use planners who are engaged in, or seeking to enter, the floodplain risk management industry in Australia and wanting to learn more about developing and implementing management plans considering best practice.

It is also suitable for elected local government officials and community representatives on floodplain risk management committees seeking a background in floodplain risk management, flood mitigation, emergency management and land use planning issues.

  • Block 1 Introduction to Floodplain Risk Management 3-4 August 2017
  • Block 2 Effective Consideration of Flood Risk in Land Use Planning 7-8 September 2017
  • Block 3 Managing Flood Risk to Existing Properties 5-6 October 2017

Conference Presentations Available to All Now

Presentations from the 2017 FMA National Conference in May are now available to the public on on the Resources page.

This list of presentations is not exhaustive, as some delegates do not wish to provide their presentations.

Please remember, the Conference Papers are provided to FMA Members in the Members’ Section of exclusively until May 2018.

If you are an FMA Member or member of an FMA Member organisation and need to register for the Members’ Section, please contact us to get access.
FMA Still Needs Your Feedback! Are you interested?

We still need your feedback regarding a possible Geomorphology Short Course being offered by FMA and Associate Professor Jacky Croke. 

As mentioned in the June Flyer, FMA is looking to gauge your interest, and understand the aspects of geomorphology which are of most relevance to you. 

This brief survey will only take a short moment of your time, and is available at 
Upcoming NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting - VENUE CHANGE

The upcoming NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting to held on the 17 August in Sydney has had a change of venue as our regular location is unavailable. 

The Meeting will be held at:
Castlereagh Boutique Hotel
169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney.

Further details of the Meeting will be circulated with the Business Papers.
Welcome New FMA Members

Welcome to the Members who have joined FMA during the month of July:

Stephen N. Webb & Associates – Corporate Member
Stephen N. Webb & Associates is a water engineering consultancy based in Sydney specialising in hydrology, hydraulics, stormwater drainage and floodplain management. With decades of experience in floodplain management and drainage, data analysis, computer modelling and legal compliance, the consultancy provides technical advice to developers, planners, law firms and government bodies.

For more information on the work that Stephen N. Webb & Associates undertakes, make sure you connect with them at our upcoming NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting in Sydney.

Manly Hydraulics Laboratory – Corporate Member​​​​​​​
Manly Hydraulics Laboratory (MHL) provides specialist services in the areas of water, sewer, stormwater, irrigation, coastal and environmental solutions including physical and numerical modelling investigations and delivery of extensive data collection programs. MHL is a business unit within the Government & Corporate Services Division of the NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.

MHL undertakes project work in each of the stages of the NSW Floodplain management process including:
  • Data collection
  • Flood modelling
  • Flood warning systems
  • Flood studies
  • Flood risk management studies and plans
  • Concept designs
  • Hydraulic modelling both physical and numerical
For more information on MHL, visit
Queensland to be the Most Disaster-Resilient State?

The Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) has released two key documents this month:

The Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience 2017 
The QRA has updated the original Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience (2014) to incorporate climate change risk and deliver a comprehensive, all hazards approach to building disaster resilience throughout the state.

The Strategy is underpinned by its four key objectives:
  • Queenslanders understand their disaster risk
  • Strengthened disaster risk management
  • Queenslanders are invested in disaster risk reduction
  • There is continuous improvement in disaster preparedness, response and recovery
The Strategy provides an overarching framework to empower Queenslanders to factor in resilience measures and activities as they anticipate, respond and adapt to changing circumstances.

You can find the Strategy at

Strategic Policy Framework for Riverine Flood Risk Management and Community Resilience
This Policy Framework is the first flood risk management policy dedicated to addressing flood risk reduction across the Northern state. The framework recognises the research that shows locally led and supported initiatives gain most traction and are most sustainable for enhancing riverine flood risk management and community resilience. The Framework will provide strategic direction for state government policy.

The Framework is the foundation for developing a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary flood risk management approach to the strategic management of Queensland's floodplains. It will be followed by an implementation plan, which will outline how the Framework's key objectives will be delivered.

Read it online now at the QRA website.
Watch: USA Flood Address - ASFPM Conference

Most FMA Members are familiar with our USA colleagues ASFPM, after having their delegations attend many of our National Conferences. ASFPM holds their Annual Conference mid-year, and in some years FMA Members have attended and presented a snapshot view of flood risk management in Australia. 

Paul Osman, Office of Water Resource, Illinois DNR, gave an address at opening plenary session of the recent ASFPM Conference in Kansas City. Paul's presentation 'Midwest Mitigation Practices in the Face of Great Floods' is an informative and entertaining watch. 

City of Launceston's Flood Achievement Acknowledged

City of Launceston was listed as a finalist in the Awards for Excellence at last week’s annual conference of the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) for its response to the 2016 flood threat.

In June last year Tasmania was confronted by flooding of a magnitude which has not been seen since the 1960s with the North Esk River at Launceston experiencing a one in 300 year event.  In response, the City of Launceston launched a digital communications strategy unprecedented in the State’s local government history, using social media channels and in-house video and photography capabilities to provide the community with real time information and updates. It took people behind the scenes of the massive flood response involving officers from across the City's 500-plus workforce.

News provided by the City under this strategy became the preferred information source for the community and local, national and international media, and government agencies.  Post analysis showed a combined weekly post reach of 10.2 million on Facebook.

For information on the City of Launceston's flood risk management roles go to:
Flood Community of Practice Book Launch

The Queensland Flood Community of Practice has released a water management blue print for South East Queensland. The book Water Futures: An Integrated Water and Flood Management Plan for enhancing Liveability in South East Queensland was developed by sustainable design architect James Davidson, in collaboration with the Queensland Flood Community of Practice.

The Water Futures book is the culmination of over 5 years of work by experts from many disciplines, professions and walks of life. It followed a five-day workshop attended by more than 100 professionals and students that re-imagined southeast Queensland if greater consideration and investment were given to flood and drought resilience and water quality in the region.

For more information and to purchase the book:

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

Lead Engineer - Floodplain Management
Moreton Bay Regional Council
Renumeration: TRP up to $150,000 pa
Location: Strathpine

Visit for full information and application.

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


FMA is occasionally contacted by young professionals in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.


FMA NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting, Sydney, New South Wales, 17 August 2017

International RiverSymposium, Brisbane, Queensland,
 18-20 September 2017

The Flood EXPO, London, United Kingdom, 27-28 September 2017

13th Hydraulics in Water Engineering Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, 13-16 November 2017
Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? 

Pictured: Ian Jackson (OEH) at the FMA Conference in Newcastle with his new cap.

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Where in the world have you been? 

​​​​​​​Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!
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