FMA Monthly Flyer 8 August

Published: Thu, 08/31/17

We've been busy this month...
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August 2017​


Queensland Chapter Meeting and Workshop, Wednesday 15 November in Brisbane


NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting and Workshop, Thursday 23 November in Sydney.

FMA Executives Visit Victorian Members
Pictured (from left): FMA Communications Director, Sue Ribbons and FMA President Ian Dinham in Melbourne.
It was a full house for the Flood Data and Insurance Workshop hosted by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) in Melbourne on 24 August. Around 80 Catchment Management Authority (CMA), Council, government agency and business representatives heard presentations by DELWP’s Steve Muncaster, IAG’s Andrew Dyer and FM Global’s Daniel Manolache.
FMA President Ian Dinham, Communications Director Sue Ribbons and Executive Officer Glenn Evans provided an introduction to FMA, and services we provide.
Earlier in the day Victorian Members and organisations involved in previous FMA events met to discuss key issues facing flood professionals in Victoria and ways in which FMA may be able to assist.
On the following day FMA provided a similar presentation to Victorian CMA Chairs and CEOs.
 Pictured (from left): FMA President Ian Dinham, Daniel Manolache (FM Global) and Viktor Brenners (DELWP) inspecting Emergency Management Victoria's State Control Centre in Melbourne
President Ian Dinham said the round of meetings was very successful. “We were able to meet most of FMA’s Victorian Members and hear about their flood priorities and needs, as well as meet a number of potential members. With a growing Victorian membership we are looking forward to becoming more involved with the CMAs and local councils.”

“DELWP is making great progress in flood risk management, particularly in the area of flood data collection and management. DELWP has instigated a very efficient system of receiving and storing flood data from Councils and CMAs, and making it available to the insurance industry through the Insurance Council of Australia. This saves Councils and CMAs from having to deal with individual insurers themselves.”

“The Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy places greater flood risk management responsibilities on Local Government. These meetings discussed ways in which FMA’s professional development, advocacy and networking services can assist councils meet these challenges” Mr Dinham said.
Floodplain Risk Management Short Course Begins in August

The FMA-OEH Floodplain Risk Management Short Course block Effective Consideration of Flood Risk in Land Use Planning commences on 7th September at the University of Technology, Sydney.

This Short Course is aimed at engineers, emergency managers and land use planners who are engaged in, or seeking to enter, the floodplain risk management industry in Australia and wanting to learn more about developing and implementing management plans considering best practice.

It is also suitable for elected local government officials and community representatives on floodplain risk management committees seeking a background in floodplain risk management, flood mitigation, emergency management and land use planning issues.

The topics covered in the September block include:
  • Managing risk to future properties and associated duty of care issues
  • The role of management studies and plans in managing risk of future property
  • The current legislation and policy framework
  • Managing flood risk strategically
  • Managing risk to future development
  • Continuing flood risk and how to manage this risk, and 
  • Effectively implement recommendations
2 days $550 (GST free).

For more information and for registration visit the UTS website.
NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting in Sydney

Over 50 Members and visitors attended the NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting on 17 August at the elegant Castlereagh Boutique Hotel, Sydney.

Attendees participated in the day’s activities, which included a two-part afternoon workshop, and informative updates from the FMA Executive Committee, the Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW State Emergency Service and the Bureau of Meteorology.

During the Meeting, a formal presentation of the Harold Sternbeck Medal was made to this year’s winner for most outstanding presentation at the FMA Conference, Dr. Raymond Laine. More on the 2017 Medal later in the Flyer.

This Meeting also saw Rhys Thomson, Principal of new FMA Corporate Member RHELM provide a short introductory presentation, which familiarized Members with the organisation’s mission and capabilities.

Karl Sullivan of the Insurance Council of Australia provided an update on the latest developments in flood insurance, including the expansive DataGlobe portal, and made himself available to respond to many question put forth from Members.

The afternoon concluded with a two-part workshop, led by FMA Technical Director Danny Rose; Planning for the 2018 FMA Pre-Conference Workshops  and Cyclone Debbie and its Aftermath: What Have We Learned?.

For the first section of the workshop, Mr Rose requested suggestions for potential topics for the forthcoming FMA Conference to be held at Gold Coast in 2018. The key outcome of this workshop was to ensure that the pre-conference workshops to be offered fully meet expectations from FMA Members.

Cyclone Debbie and its Aftermath  provided a forum for Members including the BoM, OEH, NSW SES, Tweed Shire Council and Risk Frontiers to discuss first-hand observations made during the recent natural disaster. The Workshop was enlightening and provided insight into the human cost of this major flood event. The presentations will be made available in the Members’ Section of in the near future.
FMA Submission to Senate Inquiry on Climate Change

This month, FMA Land Use Planning Director Paul Grech has contributed a submission to the Senate Inquiry into Current and Future Impacts of Climate Change on Housing, Buildings and Infrastructure.

You can read the submission online at
Harold Sternbeck Medal Presentation
Pictured (from left): FMA President Ian Dinham, Dr. Raymond Laine (Ozengage) and FMA Communications Director Sue Ribbons in Sydney.

During the recent FMA NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting in Sydney, FMA President Ian Dinham and FMA Communications Director Sue Ribbons formally presented the prestigious Harold Sternbeck Medal to this year’s winner Dr. Raymond Laine.

Harold Sternbeck was active in Floodplain Management Australia from 1972, Chairman from 1991 to 1999 and Deputy Chairman in 2003 to 2004.

In recognition of his extensive service to Floodplain Management Australia and his prowess as a persuasive public speaker FMA established the Harold Sternbeck Medal in the year 2000.

The Harold Sternbeck Medal is awarded to an individual who provides the most outstanding presentation at the National FMA Conference in May.  Due to the high standards for the ranking of this Award, some years there has been no winner.

Ray provided the Meeting with an abridged version of his winning presentation “Bring the Marshmallows: New Engagement Technologies Stoking Flood Conversations” and was able to provide demonstrations of his mixed reality technology to attendees.

If you are interested in reading Ray’s winning presentation, visit
Welcome New FMA Members

FMA would like to welcome two new Corporate Members into Floodplain Management Australia:

Northrop Consulting Engineers
Northrop currently prepare flood studies and flood impact assessments for working on behalf of developers for individual developments. This involves both calibration to existing Council studies, or preparation of new studies if no information currently exists. Advice typically includes whether the development is suitable given the existing flood risk and whether the impact is deemed significant with respect to flood level, velocity, hazard and time of inundation.

You can find more info at

Spearpoint promotes and markets a range of products specifically designed for flood mitigation, ground stabilisation, beach and soil erosion control.  These products have been successfully deployed to protect towns against pending floods. 

This year Spearpoint have been marketing these products at various Local Government gatherings including the Queensland Local Government Conference in Mackay and the nation General Assembly of Local Government in Canberra.  A number of Councils are currently trialling these products with a view to using them as an alternative to sandbags.

FMA Members gain access to exclusive Conference Papers, receive significant discounts to FMA Conferences and events, and are provided with free promotional opportunities within our network. And with that network consisting of over 140 Councils, CMA, businesses and professionals from all around Australia, it is a significant pool.

If you are interested at joining FMA, visit and do it now.
2018 FMA National Conference Update

Organisation for the 2018 FMA National Conference at Gold Coast is well underway with just over 8 months to go.  The 2018 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference will be hosted by City of Gold Coast and held at the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre, Gold Coast from Wednesday 30th May to Friday 1st June, with optional pre-conference workshops on Tuesday 29th May.

The theme for this year’s Conference is “Waterways of Success: Developing flood resilience in our communities”, which will focus on Australian and international achievements in flood risk management, with practical examples from the Gold Coast’s network of waterways, rivers, creeks, lakes, canals and coastline.

Call for Abstracts will open very shortly, so keep an eye out in your inbox.

For more information on the Conference, visit
National Flood Manual Workshop - Sydney 19 September

Engineers Australia’s Water Panel is running a full day seminar on the latest advances in the flood risk space and the National Manual, with a specific focus on the recently released Handbook 7: Managing the floodplain: A guide to best practice floodplain management.  This publication provides guidance to assist floodplain managers in defining and managing flood risk on current and future developments.

Topics include:
  • Floodways
  • Hazard guidelines and cars in flood waters
  • National emergency response classification
  • Planning guidelines
  • Why people drive into flood waters
  • Latest investigations into flood signs
  • Shelter in place
FMA Members can register for $100.00, a saving of $30 off the non-Member rate.

Register online at:
Dr. Stephen Yeo Leads Flood Walks in Windsor
Pictured (centre): Dr. Stephen Yeo leading flood walks in Windsor (Photo: INSW).

During the 150th Anniversary of the Great Flood in the Hawkesbury-Nepean this month, FMA Professional Member Dr. Stephen Yeo led walking tours highlighting the flood history of the Windsor area.

The flood tours were incredibly popular, and quickly booked out as they provided residents with insights into the famed flooding of 1867, and the shared community stories of the event.

Pictured: Group flood tour of Windsor (Photo: INSW). 

Dr. Yeo also used these walks as an opportunity to gauge community understanding of current flooding in the area, and learnt that there are many misconceptions about the risks they face. Most residents do not believe that they personally could be affected by flooding such as that of 1867, and did not feel flooding was a major concern.

Dr. Yeo reminded residents that while there has not been flooding on the scale of the Great Flood in recent years, they can and will happen again, and the importance of being prepared.

At the 2017 FMA National Conference in May, Dr. Yeo provided a presentation on the topic The June 1867 Floods in New South Wales: Causes, Characteristics, Impacts and Lessons. You can read it online here.
Exclusive Members' Access

Are you an FMA Member or part of an FMA Member organisation? Have you registered for access to the FMA Members’ Section of

The Members’ Section contains exclusive FMA Conference Papers (2017), access to Workshop Presentations, Meeting documents and technical resources. Make the most of your Membership and register now.

To register, send an email through to Dominique Jovanović at
Membership Payments
Members should have received FMA Membership renewal notices for 2017 - 2018. Thank you to those who have already paid. Membership fees are the FMA’s main source of operating income so prompt payment will be greatly appreciated.

FMA Membership now includes over 140 Councils, local flood authorities, consultants, businesses and individuals from New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, ACT, Tasmania and South Australia.

If you know of an organisation or individual who may benefit from becoming a Member please refer them to the FMA website -

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

No Current Vacancies.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


FMA is occasionally contacted by young professionals in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.


FMA-OEH Short Course: September Block, Sydney, New South Wales, 7-8 September 2017

International RiverSymposium, Brisbane, Queensland,
 18-20 September 2017

The Flood EXPO, London, United Kingdom, 27-28 September 2017

13th Hydraulics in Water Engineering Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, 13-16 November 2017
Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? ​​​​​​​​​​

Pictured (from left): Andrew Tagg Technical Director (HR Wallingford), FMA Ambassador Allan Gear, Jonathan Simm Technical Director (HR Wallingford), Stephen Richardson Regional Manager Asia Pacific (HR Wallingford) in the United Kingdom.

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Where in the world have you been? 

​​​​​​​Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!
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