FMA Flyer 9 September

Published: Sat, 09/30/17

On 5 September, the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council Conference (AFAC17) in Sydney commenced with the following headline:


This refers to the launch of the new SES Flood Data Portal which was officially announced by the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Hon. Troy Grant at the conference.

With so much talk of bushfires at this time of year, it was great to see a focus on the benefits of the Flood Data Access Program which has been developed to enhance flood preparation and response across the state of New South Wales.

The Program was developed through the Natural Disaster Resilience Program (NDRP), and is managed in partnership between the NSW SES and the NSW OEH. The Program aims to centralise all critical flood data captured by NSW Government agencies and stakeholders.

As your FMA President, I was very pleased to catch up with SES Commissioner Mark Smethurst and GIS Manager Elliott Simmons who demonstrated the Portal and its power to zoom in on any property to see the flood risk in a graphical display. I'm sure many FMA Members will also recall seeing the Portal at the FMA National Conference in Newcastle this year.

This project is again an example of data sharing in practice and its importance in preparedness as well as land use planning, and of course the potential for reduced insurance premiums.

Congratulations to all the team at SES.

Ian Dinham | FMA President
Here at FMA, we are always trying to make things easier and more accessible for you, so we have changed the format of our monthly Flyer.

With this new layout, you will be able to see all the articles at a glance, and find it easier to read.  There is more space around the articles, and the formatting is consistent the whole way through.

We want to make this Flyer the easiest method of staying in touch with you, and we understand that your email inbox is precious – many of us receive tens (or more) emails every day, and we never really have enough time to read all of them.

Our Member network is only as strong as our communication with each other, and our ability to share professional knowledge. While we have the opportunity to catch up in person during our Chapter Meetings and Conferences, this Flyer allows us to connect Members over great distances, from capital cities to regional councils.

We want you to read our Flyer, we want you share our Flyer and we want you to be involved in its production – send us details of what you have been up to

As the national voice for flood risk management in Australia we are growing, and we want you to stick around with us through these expansions.

If there is something you'd like to share, hit 'reply' to this Flyer and let us know.

All the best,
Dominique Jovanovic
FMA Flyer Editor
This month, NSW Ministers Troy Grant (Emergency Services) and Gabrielle Upton (Environment) announced the launch of the NSW Flood Data Access Program. The Program consists of two main initiatives, the NSW Flood Data Portal and the NSW Flood Database.

The Program is a joint project between NSW SES and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, and aims to improve preparation for and response to flood events by centralising flood data from government and other stakeholders. 

Data contained in the NSW Flood Data Portal is entered by each Local Council at the completion of floodplain risk management studies undertaken in their area. This data is then made available to government and other stakeholders via the portal.

FMA President Ian Dinham attended the launch of the Program with SES Commissioner Mark Smethurst at this year’s AFAC Conference at the International Convention Centre in Sydney.

Mr Dinham said, “This Program is an excellent step forward for flood preparedness in New South Wales, and FMA has been pleased to be able to provide input to its development.”

“Data-sharing initiatives such as this help our communities better understand and manage their flood risks, and assist the wise planning and development of prone areas.” 

For more, visit: 

The 2018 FMA National Conference at Gold Coast is creeping closer and with only 7 months left to to, Call for Abstracts is NOW OPEN.
This year, the Program Advisory Committee is looking for presentations that align with one or more of the following topics:
  • Flood resilience and risk management
  • Accessing flood hazard and risk
  • Modelling
  • Land use planning
  • Infrastructure projects
  • Adaptation to climate change
  • Flood policy, guidance and best practice
  • Building community resilience and engagement
  • Flood emergency preparedness and management
  • Recovery
  • Flood stories and case studies
Visit the Conference website for the list of presentation types available, and full details on abstract submission.
The closing date is Monday 30 October, so make sure you get your abstract in soon to avoid missing out.
Also, keep in mind that last year we reached a record number of abstracts received, and were unable to accommodate all submissions.

Please take the time to ensure your abstract is in accordance with the Author Instructions document included in the Program page of the Conference website, and address one or more of the Conference Topics listed.
The final block of the FMA-OEH Flood Risk Management Short Course is running from 5-6 October at the University of Technology, Sydney.

This block Managing Flood Risk to Existing Properties will cover the following topics:
  • Roles of FRM studies and plan in managing risk to existing development
  • FRM issues for existing development
  • Full range of practical FRM options and associated decision making and implementation issues
  • The impacts works can have upon the environment and other management objectives and how these can be considered
  • Approvals necessary for mitigation work projects
  • Continuing flood risk and how to manage this risk, and
  • Implementation of management plans
This course is suitable for anyone with an interest in flood risk management who wishes to gain a greater understanding of mitigation and risk, especially floodplain managers, drainage engineers, Councillors and local council professionals.

For further information on this block or registration details, visit the UTS Website.

FMA would like to welcome a new Corporate Member to Floodplain Management Australia's ever-growing Membership: Burchill's Engineering Solutions.

Burchill's Engineering Solutions is based at the Gold Coast in Queensland and offers a comprehensive range of integrated multi-disciplinary services supporting projects from concept through to completion.

Their service disciplines are tailored to suit the particular needs of each project and are delivered by experienced and dedicated professionals utilising the latest technology.

Burchills' team consists of over 10 flood engineers and scientists operating in both private and public sector markets with a 70/30 split.

They offer a full suite of services from an idea to construction completion for any works proposed within the floodplain of which makes them unique - planning, civil, structural, hydraulic, environmental, road, traffic and construction superintendency all under one small roof.

For more information, visit

FMA now has over 140 Members from all over the nation, consisting of councils, CMAs, government agencies, businesses and professionals involved in all aspects of urban and rural flood risk management.

If you would like to join, visit for more information and Membership application documents.
The next scheduled meetings of FMA are:

Brisbane - Queensland Chapter Meeting and Workshop to be held on Wednesday 15 November at Brisbane.

Sydney - NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting and Workshop to be held on Thursday 23 November at Sydney.

If you are unable to make it to an FMA Meeting due to work commitments, did you know that you can access some past Meeting documents in the Members' Section of

In the Members' Section, you can gain access to Past Meeting Minutes, Technical Resources, such as the FMA Online Resources Series and Flood Insurance Fact Sheets, as well as Workshop Presentations.

If you are an FMA Member and have not registered for access to the Members' Section of, contact us
to register your interest now.

If you are not an FMA Member, but would like to enjoy the benefits of Membership, please visit for more information on how to join.

​​​​​​​Please note that while these resources are being made available, we would much prefer to see you in person at our Meetings. Its important to connect with you and these Meetings offer excellent networking opportunities for FRM professionals to discuss what's important to them.
Tropical Cyclone Debbie devastated a swathe of communities in late March this year, and many are still struggling to get back on their feet.

As many FMA Members know from either professional or personal experience, the physical fallout and emotional trauma following severe flood events can be extreme and heartbreaking.

If you are looking to support families and individuals impacted by TC Debbie, you can:​​​​​​​
  • Donate money
  • Donate goods and services
  • Volunteer your time.
Details on how to do this in the Queensland area are at the Queensland Government website.

It is in these times of destruction and doubt that we are able to come together and support those in ways that we can. 

As Members of FMA, you are already working to make our country a safer and more resilient place and for that we commend you.

Next month sees the return of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction IDDRR on 13 October.
The IDDRR is held ever October and began in 1989 after the United Nations called for day to promote the global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction.
This day celebrates how people around the world are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness about the importance of mitigating the risks they face.

Last year, the IDDRR saw the launch of the Sendai Seven campaign, which centres on the seven targets of the Sendai Framework, an advocacy initiative to encourage the implementation of key frameworks and systems with the goals of reducing disaster losses and improving management of disaster risk.

How will you celebrate the IDDRR this year? Will you use this day to evaluate your contribution to making your community safer, and your global imprint?

For more info, visit
The third joint Monash University-Gematronik radar workshop will be held in Melbourne on the 8th and 9th of November.

The workshop is intended as an opportunity to informally exchange scientific results related to the use of radars in Australia and worldwide and several other weather and climate related modelling and analysis and applications, and to offer a forum for new collaborations.

Some speakers include:
  • Adrien Guyot - Monash University
  • David Newth - CSIRO
  • Alain Protat - Bureau of Meteorology
Presentations include:
  • Introduction to Dual-Pol Technology
  • Data at Scale: Working with large radar datasets using open source tools
  • Estimating Rainfall Using Commercial Microwave Links: A case for Greater Melbourne.
Please contact r.caplikas@gematronik for more information.

FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting, 17 November,  Brisbane

FMA NSW/ACT Chapter Meeting, 23 November, Sydney

FMA National Conference, 29 May - 1 June 2018, Gold Coast

InterFLOOD Asia, 11-12 April 2018, Singapore
Natural Hazard and Spatial Analyst
Molino Stewart

For position information and application details, visit

Pictured (from left): Cathy Kinsey (Campbelltown City Council) and Ian Redman (Albury City Council) on the Boat Field Trip during the 2017 FMA Conference.
Where has your cap been? Send us your photos.