FMA Monthly Flyer 10 October

Published: Sun, 10/30/16

There's still time to submit your 2017 FMA Conference Abstract!
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October 2016 


FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting, Wednesday 16 November 2016 in Brisbane
FMA November Quarterly Meeting, Thursday 24 November 2016 in Sydney.

Stop Press - It's Not Too Late to Submit Your Abstract

Floods in various parts of the country have delayed submission of abstracts for the 2017 FMA National Conference so the closing date has been extended to Friday 4 November.

Next year’s Conference in Newcastle offers over 70 presentation opportunities in four concurrent sessions, or alternatively you may showcase your achievements on a traditional or electronic poster.

Check the conference website for details
FMA President at World Water Congress

FMA President Ian Dinham was very pleased to attend the World Water Congress Gala Dinner in Brisbane on 13 October at the kind invitation of our FMA member, Brisbane City Council.

The Congress brought together over 5,000 delegates from all corners of the world and provided an excellent opportunity to network with professionals in many different industries.

Many thanks to Mark Tinnion and Natalie Baker from Brisbane City Council for arranging the opportunity to network at such a large event.

During the event Mr Dinham met with Clr David McLachlan, the Brisbane City Council Chairman of the Environment, Parks and Sustainability Committee, which is responsible for floodplain management. We look forward to hearing more about the great work of the committee, and the results of the Brisbane Flood Study Review in time to come.

Earlier during the congress, Mr Dinham attended the trade exhibition and participated in the Queensland Community of Practice workshop on collaborative steps in floodplain management, facilitated by our FMA colleague Mr Piet Filet.

FMA Member, the Consulate General of the Netherlands, hosted a large trade booth as part of the exhibition and this provided an opportunity to network with our Dutch colleagues, including Rolf Karst and Gregor van Essen.

President Ian said “I found the congress to be a truly world class event full of interesting and relevant content”.

“Whilst smaller in numbers, our FMA Conferences provide equally high quality content as this event, and we can be proud of the networking and knowledge sharing that we successfully host each year” Mr Dinham said.
FMA Raises Natural Disaster Recovery Concerns

FMA President Ian Dinham has raised concerns about the “tightening” of Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) in recent times. In a letter to Commonwealth Justice Minister the Hon Michael Keenan Mr Dinham said that there is concern that Local Government Councils are no longer able to afford restoration of assets following declared natural disasters, as many items which used to be eligible for funding are no longer eligible.

There is now a long list of ineligibility criteria which severely impacts on a Council’s ability to act responsibly in the flood recovery phase – by being swift, pragmatic and compassionate.

“For example having to engage private consultants and external contractors to reinstate vital road and other infrastructure links in order for them to be eligible for NDRRA funding can add significantly to the overall costs for recovery, as well as prolonging interruption timeframes for our communities and industries” Mr Dinham said.

Mr Dinham said that FMA supports the Minister’s efforts following the Productivity Commission Report on Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements to redirect funding to mitigation so that savings in flood damage can be made. However these efforts need to be measured, as local Councils are the lowest level of Government and the least able to afford to maintain their assets, let alone fix them after natural disasters.

Disaster recovery arrangements will be further discussed at meetings with FMA’s Members in Brisbane and Sydney in November.
FMA Workshop Topics Revealed

Programs for November’s Brisbane and Sydney FMA Meetings are being finalised, and the topics for the afternoon Workshops have been announced.

The Queensland Chapter Workshop on 16 November will focus on flood resilient residential development with architect James Davidson leading discussion on Living with Water: Design Advocacy in the Flood Resilience Space.

The NSW Chapter Workshop on 24 November will receive an update on the Hawkesbury-Nepean Flood Risk Management Strategy by Infrastructure NSW Executive Director Maree Abood. FMA has been a contributor to this major review, and the methodology and findings will be relevant for other flood-prone locations across Australia. Also, see later article 'Maree Abood Wins 2016 Premier's Award'.

Further Meeting and Workshop details will be circulated at a closer date.
New Member - Queensland Reconstruction Authority

It is a great pleasure to welcome the Queensland Reconstruction Authority to our FMA Membership.

The QRA is the lead agency responsible for disaster recovery, resilience and mitigation policy under the Queensland Reconstruction Act 2011. This includes flood risk management (FRM) and builds on the considerable involvement in state wide flood mapping after the 2011 flooding in Queensland.

The QRA’s role has expanded with appointment of overall project management of the Brisbane River Catchment Flood Studies (BRCFS). This project is one of the most significant flood risk management studies undertaken in Australia and generates considerable professional FRM interest. 

For more on the QRA, visit
Maree Abood Wins 2016 Premier's Award

Maree Abood was awarded the 2016 'Premier's Award for Excellence in Public Service' for Building Infrastructure (Individual) for her work on leading the delivery of the Hawkesbury-Nepean Flood Risk Management Strategy.

Due to its topography, the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley (including Penrith and Windsor) has the greatest flood risk in NSW, if not Australia.  Flooding in the Valley, similar to the 2011 floods in Queensland, would require the evacuation of over 64,000 people and cause $2 billion economic damages.

In early 2014, the Government established the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Flood Management Taskforce, co-ordinated by Infrastructure NSW and involving 13 government agencies to address this flood risk to life and property. The outcome of the Taskforce’s work is Government approval of the Hawkesbury-Nepean Flood Risk Management Strategy, announced in the 2016 – 17 Budget. Significantly, this strategy includes raising the Warragamba Dam wall by around 14 metres to reduce risk to life and the expected economic damages by 75%.

FMA Communications Director Sue Ribbons said “We are all very proud of Maree and all the hard work she does. I am proud to be working as part of her team.”

Maree is the Executive Director, Strategic Water Planning & Infrastructure at Infrastructure NSW and is the Project Director of the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Flood Management Directorate.

The Premier’s Awards for Public Service recognise excellence in the delivery of public services to the NSW community by the public sector, not-for-profit organisations and private businesses.

For more information on the Awards, visit
BOM Flash Flood Advisory Resource (FLARE)

In Australia, flash floods are generally defined as those floods that occur within six hours of rain, and are characterised by rapid rises in water levels. 

Due to the short lead times associated with flash flood, quick and effective response is required at the local level. For this reason, the responsibility for local flash flood warning sits with state and territory agencies in partnership with local councils (where appropriate).

The Flash Flood Advisory Resource (FLARE), from the Bureau of Meteorology, is an authoritative resource created to assist agencies with flash flood warning responsibilities – including local councils, emergency services and other state and territory government agencies – to design, implement and manage fit-for-purpose flash flood warning systems.
FLARE's goal is to create a community of practice to share valuable knowledge and experience between agencies responsible for flash flood warning.

Co-ordinated by the Bureau, FLARE includes a registered user website with a wide range of resources such case studies, interactive forums, and standards and guidelines, as well as a telephone/email advisory service for agency staff to be able to access Bureau advice directly.

FLARE does not provide a flash flood warning or an operational service during flash flood events.

Email to register interest in access to FLARE.​​​​​​​

Learn more about FLARE at the upcoming Queensland and New South Wales FMA Meetings.
ARR 2016 Update

The 2016 modernisation of the Australian Rainfall and Runoff guidelines has largely been completed, and is the first major update of the guidelines in almost 30 years. 

The modernised guidelines provide engineers and consultants with the guidance and datasets necessary to produce more accurate and consistent flood studies and mapping now and into the future.

As the project has almost reached its final stage, ownership has been transferred to Geoscience Australia, on behalf of the Australian Government. Currently, the finalisation of the Intensity Frequency Duration data is being undertaken by the BOM.

The Guidelines will be publicly accessible for free from the new website, and the website will be regularly updated to ensure the ARR Guidelines remain current.
Toowoomba Regional Council FRM Project Update
FMA Members will be familiar with Toowoomba Regional Council’s Safer, Stronger, More Resilient Region project, which commissioned and released flood studies for 35 locations across the region. These studies were undertaken by specialist engineers and incorporate the latest data, modelling techniques and community input.

An in-depth review of the studies and flood data received during consultation has helped inform detailed flood risk assessments and planning evaluations recently completed for the Region.  These assessments give clarity when planning for future development and provide information to assist Council identify the best responses to manage future flood risk. 

Community consultation on the flood risk assessments and planning evaluations and Council’s proposed planning responses to manage future flood risk is open between 17 October and 30 November 2016.

For more information on the consultation, and to provide your input, please visit
Risk Frontiers - UK National Flood Resilience Review

FMA Member Risk Frontiers has released its latest Briefing Note, concerning the United Kingdom National Flood Resilience Review.

Due to the recent major floods in the UK this year,  a review of the nation’s flood resilience was completed by key Government Departments. The review focused on the following elements:

  • Understanding extreme flood risks over the next 10 years
  • Assessing the resilience of local infrastructure
  • Improving flood response operations, including through the use of temporary flood defenses.

In the Briefing Note, Risk Frontiers has highlighted areas from the review which are relevant to Australia, and they are as follows:

  • Risk to essential infrastructure
  • Temporary flood defences
  • Modelling improvements
  • Communication of flood risk.

The full Briefing Note is available at

To read the full UK Report, please visit
National Centre for EMS - Enrolments Now Open
The National Centre for Emergency Management Studies at the Tafe Riverina Institute, NSW, has opened enrolments for:

  • Introduction to Emergency Management
  • Planning for Emergencies
  • Business Continuity Planning

The Centre provides nationally recognised training to organisations and individuals in the public safety and emergency services industries. Students are able to gain qualifications at Certificate II, right through to Diploma Level.

For more information on courses, visit or contact Heather Crawley on / 02 60582724.
Bluemont Automatic Flood Barriers

“Most people don’t notice it, but it protects you from floods 24/7”

FMA Member Bluemont has recently installed 8 automatic flood barriers at Warriewood Square, in New South Wales. These barriers mostly go undetected by pedestrians but in the case of flood automatically rise up without electricity, manpower or hydraulics.

These automatic and passive barriers are called FloodBreak, and can protect against up to three metre high flood waters. The FloodBreak system uses hydrostatic pressure created by the rising flood waters to automatically activate the gate. When the flood water recedes, the gate automatically returns to its hidden position beneath the ground allowing traffic to resume.

For more information, visit or contact Justin Bear at +61 2 9091 0360.
ARC Linkage Project -The Big Flood: Will it happen again?

The Australian Research Council (ARC) linkage funded project “The Big Flood: Will It Happen Again?” will be presenting its key findings on Monday 7 November at Queensland's Ecosciences Precinct in Dutton Park.

This study over recent years has looked at historic signatures in the floodplain to better understand the recurrence potential. This insight has important ramifications for policy, planning guidelines and future liveability not only in the Lockyer catchment- but downstream in other parts of the Brisbane River floodplain.

Ground Floor Seminar Rooms
Ecosciences Precinct, Boggo Road, Dutton Park

Monday 7 November
12.30pm – 5.30pm

For more event details, please contact Dr Ramona Dalla Pozza
07 3170 5496
XP Solutions Workshops in November

Free ARR Webinar
XP Solutions will be holding a free Australian Rainfall and Runoff Webinar on Thursday, 17 November 2016.

The Webinar will cover:
  • The process for ARR 2016 Hydrology
  • New ARR data and how to apply it
  • Practical demonstration
The new edition of the AR&R guideline will provide technical direction for the industry and practices will change as a result of the release. XP Solutions will run through key modelling methods so you are ready to comply with the new guidance.

For more information on the Webinar, visit

Flood and Stormwater Modelling Training
XP Solutions will be holding Flood and Stormwater Modelling Training in Brisbane from 9-11 November 2016.

This training will focus on stormwater modelling, starting with basic hydrology and hydraulics on the first day. The second day will provide more in-depth instruction and exercise for advanced stormwater hydrology and more advanced modelling functions such as dual drainage and storage, as well as 1D/2D flood modelling. In this training, you'll be able to:
  • Master your modelling techniques
  • Add additional revenue streams and capabilities to your practice
  • Learn how to apply new features and tools
  • Receive continuing education hours
  • Learn from experienced trainers
  • Learn Tips and Tricks for modelling faster and with more flexibility
  • Update your skills to maintain viability in the job market
  • Learn about the advantages of 1D/2D modelling theory.

Barriers to Prevent Motorists Entering Flood Water

One of our Members is wanting to hear from anyone who has installed gates, rather than temporary barriers, to stop motorists entering flood water.

If you have experience in this area or know of a suitable product please contact Glenn Evans:

As a service to our Members we welcome information on career opportunities in the area of floodplain management.

Graduate Environmental Consultant

Molino Stewart

Due to continued growth, Molino Stewart is seeking a Graduate Environmental Consultant to join their highly successful team.

For information on the position, visit

If you are interested in promoting a vacant position with us,
contact us.


The FMA is occasionally contacted by young professionals in fields related to flood risk management seeking introductions to potential employers.

If your business is seeking a new employee please contact us, we may know of someone suitable.

FMA Queensland Chapter Meeting, Brisbane, Queensland, 16 November 2016

FMA November Quarterly Meeting, Sydney, New South Wales, 24 November 2016
Where has your FMA Conference Cap been? ​​​​​​​
Pictured: Can you spot your FMA Cap at the 2016 FMA Nowra Conference?

Have you got a photo of your travelling FMA Cap? Send us your photos!
 Thanks for reading, and see you next month!
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